All Residents, Newsletters

Newsletter From TRA

Curnock Street TRA NewsletterDear Residents

I am writing to you about the recent escalation of non-resident youth disturbance across the estate. It is essential that residents report incidents of disturbance and it is helpful to note the date, time and response to your call.

Camden’s Housing Patrol operates from 6pm to 2am each night. The Housing Patrol can be contacted on:

020 7974 1888/1889 (or through Camden’s switchboard 020 7974 4444)

The Safer Neighbourhoods (Police) Team can be contacted on:
0208721 2810

The Safer Neighbourhoods Team works shifts and is not available at all times. They do, however, log all calls and, if necessary, can change their shifts in response to needs.

The non-emergency police number is:


Several years ago the TRA got funding from Camden to put up signs across the estate, including signs on all playground areas stating clearly:

1. these areas are only for the use of Curnock Street Estate residents and their guests
2. the age group the area is for
3. times when these areas can be used We were assured that this would make it easier to have people removed. We need to reassert this position.

Thank you to those residents who are reporting incidents. The TRA’s next step will be to call for greater intervention by both Camden and the police. If these youths continue to make residents’ lives unbearable they need to be identified and prevented from taking over our estate.

A TRA General Meeting will be arranged for late September/early October and we’ll invite a representative from Camden to address anti-social issues and their resolutions. Please check the noticeboard in your block for further information.

Residents can contact the TRA by:

Email – curnocktra(S)
Phone-020 7380 1035
Letter- 5 Ravenscar, Bayham Street, NW1 DBS Please keep this letter for future reference.

Yours sincerely,

Susan Gorrie
TRA Chair

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