All Residents, Caretaking, Refuse

Temporary Closure Of The Refuse Room (Goldthorpe)

Temporary Closure Of The Refuse Room (Goldthorpe)The following letter was sent to the residents of the Goldthorpe building of the Curnock Estate.

To view the original document click here.


Camden Town
District Housing Office

London Borough of Camden
The Crowndale Centre
218 Eversholt Street

Tel: 020 7974 4444 Ext. 4258
Fax: 0207974 1661
Textphone: 020 7974 6866

Date: Friday 1st October 2010
Your Reference:
Our Reference:
Enquiries to: Barry Betts

All Residents of Goldthorpe
Camden Street London NW1 OHH

Dear Resident

Refuse room Bayham Street end of the block

Whilst the current heating works are progressing around Goldthorpe and The Marr it has been difficult to clear the bin room at the Camden Street end of the block.

The caretaking team is requesting that until further notice would all residents refrain from leaving their rubbish in the Camden Street end bin room and use the Bayham Street end bin room to dispose of your refuse.

Thank you in advance for your co operation on this matter.

Yours sincerely

Barry Betts
Estate Officer
Housing and Adult Social Care

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