Leaseholders, Other

Proposal for Long Term Agreement for Trees

Leaseholder Services
London Borough of Camden
Camden Town Hall
Judd Street

20th December 2016
Contract Ref: 15/150 Trees
Property Ref:
Enquiries to: Leaseholder Services


(Section 20 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 (as amended) (‘Act’) and Schedule 2 of the Service Charges (Consultation Requirements) (England) Regulations 2003 (‘Regulations’)).

Dear Leaseholder (s)

Re: Qualifying long term agreements relating to tree services.

I am writing to inform you that the London Borough of Camden (‘the Council’), as your landlord, proposes to enter into a long term agreement, details of which are given below.

We ask that you take some time to read this letter and the enclosed documents as they contain important information for you.

How will this Proposal Affect Me?

The Council is planning to enter into what the Act and the Regulations call “qualifying long term agreements” (“QLTAs”). These are agreements which last for more than 12 months and concern services to be carried out in relation to the building or estate in which you are a leaseholder.

The new contract will start on 1 April 2017. The contract term will be 5 years with an option to extend for three years on yearly increments. The new contract will include management of all Council owned trees, including those on estates, including maintenance, inspection, planting, the removal of dead dying and unsuitable trees and tree services to communal gardens.

Where services or works covered by the agreements relate to your estate, block or property, you will be liable pursuant to your lease to pay a portion of the cost by way of a service charge. You will only be charged if you are receiving the service.

Preparation of Landlord’s Proposal:

This notice is given pursuant to the Notice of Intention, issued on 18th December 2015 to enter into a long-term agreement for the provision of services relating to grounds maintenance and tree works contracts ,

We have now prepared the proposal in respect of the services to be provided under the agreement based on the tender received. This contract was advertised in the Official Journal of the European Union.

Details of the Landlord’s Proposals:

The details of the landlord’s proposals are set out below and in the attached schedule of rates.

1. Proposed contractor:

The proposed Tenderer (parties to the agreement) who was most economically advantageous for the Council is summarised below.

The party to the Proposed Agreement is:
(There is no connection between the landlord and any parties)

City Suburban Tree Surgeons Ltd.,
1 Brook Court,
Blakeney Court,

The Housing Revenue Account HRA (Housing estates only) elements are not separate contracts but are part of the wider council contract.
The total contract cost is £ £758,493.23 per annum.

Annual inflationary uplift:

The Price List completed by the tenderer in their tender submission will be utilised for the duration of the contract to determine the amount due for payment. The Price List will not be subject to an annual inflationary uplift.

2. Length of Agreement

The new contract starts on 1 April 2017 and will run for an initial period of 5 years, with the option to extend for three years on yearly increments.

3. Summary of Stage 1 Observations:

Observations received from leaseholders and Recognised Tenants Associations in relation to Camden’s Notice of Intention, dated 18th December 2015 & Camden’s responses to these, are summarised in the enclosed document, ‘Appendix 1: Summary of Stage 1 Observations (Contract15/150 Trees)’.

4. Right to Inspect Landlord’s Proposals:

Due to the nature and size of this contract all the pricing information is attached to this notice

5. Observations

You are invited to make any written observations regarding the proposals contained in this notice. If you wish to do this, you must send them to this office in writing to be received within 30 days from the date of this notice. All observations should be sent, to the following address, before Tuesday 31st January 2017.

Mike Edmunds (Head of Leaseholder Services)
Leaseholders Services
London Borough of Camden
Camden Town Hall
Judd Street

Email and include the contract reference and your property reference in the email subject field along with 15/150Trees contract observations.

6. Cost of the services

As a leaseholder you will only be liable for a proportionate part of any costs incurred in relation to your building or estate under the Agreement.
Yours sincerely
Mike Edmunds
Head of Leaseholder Services


1. Statutory Notice of Proposal for Tree services (contract 15/150Tree) (see above)
2. Appendix 1: Summary of Stage 1 Observations (contract 15/150Tree)
3. Appendix 2: Schedule of Rates (contract 15/150Tree)

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