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It seems to be a discrepancy between the information that we have received during the consultation period and the information that we have received via the Freedom Of Information Act.
The following clarifications have been received by the council. See the original letter here |
Housing and adult social care
London Borough of Camden
38-50 Bidborough Street
London WC1H9DB
Tel: 0207 974 6679
Date: 3 July 2013
Your Reference:
Our Reference: 8605027
Enquiries to: Khalid Khan
Dear Resident,
Your request for information, received on 20th June 2013 , has now been considered. We are pleased to attach the following information:
1) Please confirm the number of pumps before the works as well as their model numbers, manufacturer’s name, other specifications, etc.
There are 13 No existing pumps made up of
– –
• 3 secondary domestic hot water pumps Wilo type TOP-Z [3 total ],
• 3 pairs of (secondary) heating zone pumps each rated at 33 to 86m3/hr @ 15metres. 415V 3Ph supply [6 total], — -*-
• 1 pair of primary heating pumps [2 total],
• 1 pair of primary hot water pumps rated at 140m3/hr @ 6.5 metres. [2 total].
2) Please confirm the number of pumps after the works as well as their model numbers, manufacturer’s name of each one of the pumps, etc. For instance if there are 15 pumps after the major works then I need to know the model numbers, who is the manufacturer, if it is an existing pump or new, etc.
There will be 16 No pumps made up of 3 existing domestic hot water pumps [3 total ], 3 pairs of secondary heating zone pumps [6 total], a pair of primary heating pumps [2 total] and pair of primary domestic hot water pumps [2 total] and 3 new boiler pumps [3 total];
The new boilers pumps are TPE 125-70/4 duty of 26L/S @ 25kPa (11C TD) as manufactured by Grundfos Pumps Ltd suitable for 415V 50HZ 3Ph
Primary Htg Pumps are Grundfos CLM 150-264/15
3) Please clarify your statement: ” All existing pumps remain in operation and the new pumps are additional items of equipment.” This implies that the current 8 pumps will be retained and that you will add another 2-10 extra pumps.
There are 13 No existing pumps which will remain in operation and 3 new boiler pumps giving a total of 16 pumps Due to names plates being corroded/ damaged and a lack of
access into the plant room due to it being a works area, we cannot provide all of the details of the existing pumps.
We trust that the information provided is useful to you.
Please note the information is still covered by copyright legislation. You are not authorised to re-use this information for commercial or research purposes as defined by the Re-Use of Public Sector Regulations 2005. If you do wish to re-use this information please contact the Information Access Team, Legal Services/ Second Floor, Camden Town Hall, Judd Street, London WC1H 9JE, who will assess your request.
If you are unhappy with any aspect of the way in that your request has been processed then you have the right to issue a complaint. If you wish to issue a complaint, please set out in writing your grounds of appeal (within 2 months of this correspondence) and send it to: Access to Information Team, Legal Services, Camden Town Hall, Judd Street, London, WC1H 9LP and your complaint will be administered through our Internal Review procedure.
If you are still not satisfied following the Internal Review, you have a right to appeal to the Information Commissioner’s Office. They can be contacted at: Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire. SK9 5AF. Telephone: 01625 545 700 www.ico.qov.uk
Yours sincerely
Business Support Officer
On the 09th July 2013 at 09:20am we sent the following email:
To: Khalid.CSPKhan@camden.gov.uk
Cc: Tony.Bowcut@keepmoat.com , Michael.Layhe@camden.gov.uk , Tony.Austin@keepmoat.com , Mike.Fegredo@camden.gov.uk , Roger.Robinson@camden.gov.uk
Subject: 3 new and 13 OLD pumps inside the boiler house on the Curnock Estate
Dear Mr Khan,
Thank you for your email regarding the information about the 3 new and 13 OLD pumps inside the boiler house on the Curnock Estate.
Could you please clarify the following:
1) How old are the old pumps? If the name plates of the pumps are corroded/damaged then shall we assume that the pumps are very old? According to Mr Tony Bowcut (during the previous major works) some of those old primary pumps are very old. Please confirm.
2) Please state the life expectancy of the old pumps.
3) Since there will be more pumps (16 in total) what will be the noise levels inside and outside the boiler house?
4) What measures will you take to make sure that there will be NO NOISE on the flats above?
5) Please provide the name of the people who decided which equipment has to change and which equipment has to stay in place.
6) Please provide the criteria for their decision to keep the old pumps.
7) Please explain why residents during the meeting with the contractors were given the impression that all pumps will be replaced and that the pumps will have a 5 years life expectancy.
Looking forward to hear from you soon.
Yours sincerely
Relevant links/stories
– 2013-07-09 Total Of 16 Pumps – 13 Old and 3 New Inside the Boiler House
– 2013-06-03 New Information About The Major Works 2
– 2013-05-30 New Information About The Major Works (Boiler Room)