All Residents, Central Heating, Communal Services, Hot Water

Renewal Of Boilers – Update

Renewal Of Boilers - Update The following letter were sent by the council to all the residents of the Curnock Estate. See the original letter here

London Borough of Camden
Housing Repairs and Improvements
Planned Capital Works
South 33-35 Jamestown Road
London NW1 7DB

Tel: (020) 7974 2198

Email: mike.fearedo(g)

Date: 10th July 2013

Dear Resident,

Curnock Street Estate – Renewal of Boilers

As you are aware we are currently renewing the boilers in the plant room at Curnock Street. The programme is running relatively smoothly and all heating and hot waters services currently provided by the temporary boilers, are active and fully functional.

The new boilers have now been installed and are awaiting commissioning, however in order to facilitate this move to the new system, which will be progressed in stages, we are now at the point where we need to turn off the heating element of the service temporarily. This will enable us to speed up the process and remove the temporary boilers.

We propose to switch off the heating side of the service on Monday 22nd July 2013

It is acknowledged that weather conditions may change over the next few weeks, although reports are optimistic of good weather ahead, and that there are some residents that may require heating at the start and end of the day.

We are therefore able to provide those residents, who contact us, with temporary portable heaters, during this heating shutdown.

Once again, we would like to apologise for any inconvenience that may be caused to residents during this temporary change and thank you all for your understanding and patience.

Should you have any questions or concerns relating to these works, in the 1st instance, please contact a member of our partner contractor on-site team as listed below;

• Scarlett Ward, Resident Liaison Officer on 07785 372204
• Daniel Bridge, Site Manager on 07768 577927
• Tony Bowcutt, Project Manager on 07825 106790.

Yours faithfully

Mike Fegredo

Contract Manager
Repairs and Improvements
Housing and Adult Social Care
London Borough of Camden

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