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A few residents have recently complained about the lack of heating on the estate and constant failures during the major works. Because of that we have requested from the council to provide us with an update.
Unfortunately, we received two contradictory answers. One from Mr Stow saying that heating is being tested and the second from Mr Fegredo saying that the heating to the estate was switched on yesterday. See below: |
On the 09-09-2013 at 13:36, we sent the following email:
From: info@curnockestate.com
Sent: 09 September 2013 13:36
To: john.stow@camden.gov.uk
Cc: Roger.Robinson@camden.gov.uk , Tony.Austin@keepmoat.com
Subject: Lack of Heating on Curnock Estate
Dear Mr Stow,
I received the following email from a resident in Raverscar and I had a conversation with some of my neighbours recently about the heating on the estate. It seems that the heating is currently off either because of the refurbishment works or because of Camden Council’s policies.
Could you please let us know what the situation is and if there are any plans to turn on the heating in the next couple of days?
Yours sincerely,
CSE Group
On the 10-09-2013 at 07:46, we received the following email:
From: john.stow@camden.gov.uk
To: Roger.Robinson@camden.gov.uk , info@curnockestate.com
Cc: Tony.Austin@keepmoat.com , Samata.Khatoon@camden.gov.uk , Peter.Brayshaw@camden.gov.uk , carole.donnelly10@btinternet.com , Pat.O’Neill@camden.gov.uk
Date: 10 September 2013 at 07:46
Subject: RE: Lack of Heating on Curnock Estate
Dear Cllr Robinson.
Thank you for your email regarding the heating and hot water at Curnock.
Recent descaling of heat exchangers has been completed. Capital works are on-going and on target with works on the various apparatus (pumps, plates, valves and controls) continuing and with all 3 boilers commissioned. The accompanying flue structure is in place and the heating is currently being tested.
The temporary boilers have been disconnected and removed. Final completion/commissioning works will be undertaken over the next few weeks and the site cleared in October.
The above works put us in a much better place to deliver the service throughout the coming Autumn and Winter period and I’m hopeful that the above measures give you some assurance in that respect
We will of course be monitoring the service closely
Kind regards
John Stow
Mechanical services manager
Telephone: 020 7974 2046
On the 10-09-2013 at 08:22, we received the following email:
From: Mike.Fegredo@camden.gov.uk
To: info@curnockestate.com
Cc: john.stow@camden.gov.uk , Roger.Robinson@camden.gov.uk , Tony.Austin@keepmoat.com
Date: 10 September 2013 at 08:22
Subject: FW: Lack of Heating on Curnock Estate
Dear Resident,
The heating to the estate was switched on yesterday (9/9/13) at approximately midday. All three boilers have been commissioned and the service is running at the required water and heating temperatures. While there are further works being undertaken in the plant room, these will not disrupt the heating and hot water services. At present, there are no plans to switch the heating off.
Mike Fegredo
Contract Manager
Telephone: 02079742198
On the 10-09-2013 at 13:38, we received the following email:
From: Roger.Robinson@camden.gov.uk
To: Julian.Fulbrook@camden.gov.uk
Cc: “Peter.Brayshaw@camden.gov.uk , Stuart.Dilley@camden.gov.uk , curnocktra@yahoo.co.uk , info@curnockestate.com
Date: 10 September 2013 at 13:38
Subject: FW: Curnock Heating Major Works -major issues!
Dear Julian
I think we should discuss this as there is no doubt whatsoever that over the past few years Curnock estate has had no heating and hot water for lengthy periods in the autumn and winter as I know too well from the plethora of phone calls I have had from residents and therefore I did ask several times for compensation to be made to leaseholders and tenants alike as they still had to pay their respective costs to the Council despite the lack of heating and hot water. This seems to have been forgotten by the officers.
I think that this will now need your intervention as the Cabinet member for Housing>
Can we meet and discuss this and hold a meeting with representatives(* see note below) of the Curnock estate. We can have a meeting with representatives of the estate .
I wait to hear.
(Cllr Roger Robinson)
***NOTE: There is not an official body to represent the residents. Curnock TRA existed until the 26th July 2013.
On the 10-09-2013 at 13:56, we received the following email:
From: Julian.Fulbrook@camden.gov.uk
To: Roger.Robinson@camden.gov.uk
Cc: Peter.Brayshaw@camden.gov.uk , Stuart.Dilley@camden.gov.uk , curnocktra@yahoo.co.uk , Pat.O’Neill@camden.gov.uk , info@curnockestate.com
Date: 10 September 2013 at 13:56
Subject: Re: Curnock Heating Major Works -major issues!
Not forgotten!
Considering the options with senior officers.