The following letter was sent to the residents of the Curnock Estate. The original document can be found on this link.
Technical Client Services
Renewal Division
Programme & Project Management
Housing Department
Bidborough House
20 Mabledon Place
Tel: 020 7974 5897
Fax: 020 7974 5522
Date: June 5 2001
Our Ref: HO/PPM
Contact: Ted Whelan
To All Residents Curnock Street Estate London NW1
Dear Residents,
REF: Security Works on Curnock Street Estate
Again I must apologise for the further delay in getting this scheme underway.
You may recall from my previous letter that there was to be a meeting of residents in April with works starting in May. Leaseholders were given a formal notice of costs based on a tender submission by J Murphy & Sons Ltd.
Since then, due to concerns over their performance, J Murphy & Sons Ltd have been suspended from the Council’s Approved List of Contractors. This means they cannot now be awarded the contract as planned. After carefully reviewing the whole situation, we believe that the best way forward would be to re-tender the whole project.
Further works of window renewal are planned for next year, and for greater cost effectiveness the security works will be added to this contract. This is expected to happen in the Spring of 2002.
At the same time we will take advantage of this pause to review the design of the whole scheme. It is never easy to design a package of measures that pleases everyone, but new consultants who are experts in security systems are being appointed to look again at the whole scheme in the light of some recent comments from residents. There will be further consultation with residents as a whole before the new consultants will make recommendations as to what changes, if any, to the present proposals might be appropriate.
This new and much larger package of works is to be allocated to a new Project Manager, who will be in contact with residents shortly to initiate the consultation process.
Yours faithfully
E. Whelan