On Wednesday 20th October 2010, Apollo group carried out an emergency repair job inside the boiler room.
After those emergency repairs a disturbing constant noise is present on some flats which can be heard throughout the day and night.
We tried to contact Ms Diane Barzilay, Resident Liaison Officer, by using the e-mail address that she had provided to the residents: diane.barzilay@theapollogroup.co.uk
Unfortunately her e-mail address is invalid. We sent two messages on her phone without any success.
Cllr Roger Robinson has already sent e-mails to the council but without any reply.
On 22 October 2010 at 10:38 “Louis, Jackie” <Jackie.Louis@camden.gov.uk> wrote:
Thank you your recent email.
Please accept my apologies for the noise you experienced following the recent emergency works. I understand that the boilers have now returned to their normal level of noise. Due to the recent cold snap there is now a higher demand on the boilers hence more boilers firing up.
I understand you have spoken to Tony Bowcutt, Site Manager this morning regarding the noise from the boiler house. Apollo has informed you that you the acoustic works to the boiler house will be carried out at the end of the programme. If the acoustic materials are fitted any earlier there is a possibility that they could be damaged whilst other works are being carried out in the boiler house.
The email addresses for Tony Bowcutt and Diane Barzilay are as follows: DianeBarzilay@theapollogroup.co.uk and TonyBowcut@theapollogroup.co.uk
Please direct any further queries regarding the heating works directly to myself and the project site team in the first instance.
Jackie Louis
Project Manager
Mechanical & Electrical Delivery
LondonBorough of Camden
Housing & Adult Social Care
Phone: 020 7974 2628
Fax: 020 7284 2309
33-35 Jamestown Road
Block D
LondonNW1 7DB
On 22 October 2010 at 12:58, we sent the following e-mail:
Dear Ms Louis,
The acoustic works can be carried out at the end of programme but in the meantime the noise has to be returned to the same levels as before the Wednesday’s emergency works!
The noise at the moment is not acceptable. It is disturbing and constant. I and the rest of the residents do not want to spend another 5 years try to find out what is the problem who is responsible and which component in the boiler room is faulty.
Cllr Roger Robinson knows very well how much the residents of 15 flats in Goldthorpe and the Marr suffered from the noise during the 5 years noise after some major works. It is not acceptable for us to wake up at 03:00am because the noise is so loud.
I hope the Apollo Group contractors as well as Seaflame do something to fix the problem as soon as possible. Seaflame guys knows the problem and hopefully they will be able to help.
Finally I would really appreciate if the Apollo Group provide a detailed list of all the changes and works that they have carried out during the Wednesday works.
I hope to hear from you soon regarding this important issue.
On 25 October 2010 at 06:37 we wrote:
Dear Mr Bowcut,
Good news. The noise was not audible since Friday evening.
On 25 October 2010 at 09:46 Tony Bowcut wrote:
Dear Resident,
Thank you for your feed back, on Friday afternoon we ran some tests on the pumps forcing them onto high demanded, this then made one of the pumps start to omit a high pitch noise.
This pump was isolated over the weekend, and looks to be the cause of your noise problem.
We will now leave it off line and report back to Camden.
Tony Bowcut
Senior Site Manager
Apollo Property Services Group
Unit 3 Centric Close
off Oval Road
T 0207 428 8830
F 0207 485 1149
E tonybowcut@theapollogroup.co.uk
W www.theapollogroup.co.uk
On 27 October 2010 at 04:38, we sent the following e-mail:
Dear Mr Bowcut,
I do not know if someone has done something to the boiler room since Monday but one of the pumps is loud and humming. It started an hour ago (03:00am) and it is very disturbing. Could you please check the boiler room and report the problem to the correct people in the Camden Council?
Finally, could you please let me know the names of the people who are dealing with the boiler room in Camden Council?
On 27 October 2010 at 09:32 Tony Bowcut wrote:
Dear Resindet,
We have not done anything since last Firday that would change the set up to the pumps, I went into the boiler house first thing at around 8.20am to check the noise level and it was to the level we would expect.
Was the noise the same as you reported last week or was it different?
We did have a specialist look at the pumps yesterday and we are awaiting his report, any recommendations will the be forwarded to the Camden project team Jackie Louis and Richard Michael for any further actions.
Regards Tony
Tony Bowcut
Senior Site Manager
Apollo Property Services Group
Unit 3 Centric Close
off Oval Road
T 0207 428 8830
F 0207 485 1149
E tonybowcut@theapollogroup.co.uk
W www.theapollogroup.co.uk
On 27 October 2010 at 09:54 we sent the following e-mail:
Dear Mr Bowcut,
The noise is not the same. The old noise was quieter and constant.
At the moment one of the pumps or reverters is humming. The noise is louder than last time and it is very disturbing. I woke up at 03:30 from the noise and I couldn’t sleep again. The noise can be heard on the whole flat but the humming is mainly on the front of the building (facing the Apollo containers/offices).
Who is responsible on the Camden Council for the boiler rooms/heating? Two years ago I was speaking with Harry Yates and Harry Green but they do not seem to work for Camden Council anymore.
Is it possible to call Seaflame because the noise is nuisance for the residents including myself?
On 27 October 2010 at 10:09 Tony Bowcut wrote:
Dear Resident,
Seaflame are not responsible for works within the boiler house at this time, it will be G & D Higgins and Apollo that are responsible for any works that might need to be undertaken.
And as I said earlier we will look into the noise that you experienced last night and I will let you know if we find anything.
The responsible persons for camden are now Jackie louis Camden Project Manager and Richard Michael Camden’s M&E delivery Manager.
Tony Bowcut
Senior Site Manager
Apollo Property Services Group
Unit 3 Centric Close
off Oval Road
T 0207 428 8830
F 0207 485 1149
E tonybowcut@theapollogroup.co.uk
W www.theapollogroup.co.uk
Today Apollo Group carried out some improvements to the Heating System.
On 29 October 2010 at 04:56 we sent the following e-mail:
Dear Mr Bowcut,
The noise is still here and loud. At least it is not humming.
Can someone please look at the problem or ask help from Seaflame even if they are not responsible for the moment? As far as I am aware neither Apollo Group nor G&D Higgins have any experience with the noise problem on this boiler room.
Please find attached some of the completed forms from the previous questionnaire that had sent to the residents on February 2005! It shows clearly that Camden Council systematically had tortured the residents for almost 5 years until they fix the noise problem.
All the residents here do not want to spend another five years for the problem to be solved. Unfortunately, if the situation continues as it is then further action will be taken since the noise is disturbing and a torture for those who need to sleep in order to work next day.
On 29 October 2010 at 15:36 Tony Bowcut wrote:
Dear Resident,
Sorry to hear of your continuing noise problems, as I said in my last email we are awaiting a report into the condition of the pumps and will act on that report should any remedial works be required,
We have again this morning between 8.00am and 8.30am and again at 2.30 pm to 3.00 pm this afternoon taken sound reading from within and around the boiler house.
These seem to be at the level you would expect from a working boiler house, as soon as we get the report we will let you know.
Regards Tony
On 29 October 2010 at 16:44 we sent the following e-mail:
Dear Mr Bowcut,
Thanks for your e-mail.
The problem is N O T with the overall noise level inside or outside the boiler room. The problem is with the noise that is generated from some pumps or other equipment because either they do not work with the correct settings or because some pipes are vibrating, etc etc
The noise inside the boiler room is irrelevant. Seaflame had configured/setup the boilers/pumps/reverters and any other equipment in a way that there was no noise inside the flats. Some pumps/reverters generate a lot of noise when the reverters try to reduce the pressure on the pumps in order to make the pumps work less hard because of low demand. For that reason some pumps were left at full speed at all times. Or at least that they had told me at the time.
Please check the above and let me know.
On 30 October 2010 at 02:46 we sent the following e-mail:
To: ‘Tony Bowcut’; ‘Louis, Jackie’; ‘Richard Michael’; ‘Diane Barzilay’
Cc: ‘Robinson, Roger (Councillor)’; ‘CurnockStreet TRA’; Peter.Brayshaw@camden.gov.uk; Samata.Khatoon@camden.gov.uk; Abdul.Hai@camden.gov.uk; ‘Lynds, Fred’
Subject: RE: Humming Noise from Boilers and Pumps – 02:45AM – 8th Day of Torture/Sleep Deprivation
Dear Mr Bowcut, Mr Michael, Ms Louis and Ms Barzilay,
I hope you enjoy your sleep because here the residents of some flats are awake and suffering from your brilliant job at the boiler room on the CURNOCK ESTATE.
The noise is loud, pulsing and humming. Obviously something is vibrating or not configured/setup properly which has as a result the noise inside the flats to be disturbing and very annoying. That is the second night in row without proper sleep because of the noise and the fact that I decide to sleep at my place again.
Sleep deprivation is a torture method widely known and very well used by the Camden Council, Apollo Group and G & D Higgins. Five (5) years of torture in the past was not enough for all of you and now you want to continue the torture for another 5 years?
I hope you do something useful soon before the residents’ health get worse.
PS Other estates will be contacted/copied in order to establish if the work is as bad as it is in our estate.
Follow the story at: http://www.curnockestate.com/?q=node/324
On 01 November 2010 at 10:13 Cllr Roger Robinson wrote to the contractors as well as Mr Richard Michael:
Have just half hour ago returned from holiday.
Please advise me what transpires wit h this.
Roger Robinson Cllr
On 02 November 2010 at 10:53 Mr Richard Michael wrote:
Dear Resident,
Following discussions with contractors involved in the investigation of the alleged noise I have been informed as follows.
Decibel readings taken in and outside the boiler house have confirmed that there has been no increase in noise levels since the capital works commenced.
There have been no complaints from any of the other flats in the block including the flat between your flat and the boiler house.
A pump which was running with some noise due to possible bearing wear has been isolated and is now running on the standby pump.
Apollo/GD Higgins had a pump specialist investigating and will be receiving a report from them shortly.
The capital scheme on site at present does involve acoustic works to the boiler house. This is due to be completed in December as the panels could be damaged due to the nature of the other works going on at present.
Should you feel that there is a noise issue then can you please contact Environmental Health on 020 7974 5613 or weekends on 020 7974 4444 rather than Apollo so that they can concentrate on completing the project on time. This will allow the acoustic works to be completed on schedule in a months time and reduce any noise emitting from the boiler house to lower levels than previously experienced.
Richard Michael
Mechanical Contract Manager
Telephone: 0207 974 2048
On 02 November 2010 at 20:14 we wrote:
Dear Mr Michael,
1. Please can you identify to me the number of the pump which is running with some noise due to possible bear wear (as per your e-mail below).
2. Please can you identify to me the number of the pump which Mr Tony Bowcut referred to in his e-mail dated 25-10-2010 by saying: “…on Friday afternoon we ran some tests on the pumps forcing them onto high demanded, this then made one of the pumps start to omit a high pitch noise. This pump was isolated over the weekend, and looks to be the cause of your noise problem.”
3. It is not clear to me if these two pumps are one of the same. If you can clarify this for me it will helps us in future correspondence and in helping to resolve the problem.
Even when the problem pump has been isolated there is still a noise problem in the block. With the experience of the same problem 4 years ago, the problem was actually been caused by the equipment (“Energy Efficient equipment”) that was installed on Feb 2002 in order to force the pumps to work more efficiently during low demand periods. My understanding from the engineers at that time, is that this Energy efficient equipment can be set in such a way that it does not cause the noise. These settings may mean that the pump is not operating at its optimum green efficiency however it eliminates the noise nuisance/pollution within the Goldthorpe block.
This evening since I returned to my flat at 18:30 there has been a continuous pulsating noise. Consequently isolating the one pump as you have done, cannot be solely seeing as resolving the problem.
May I reiterate that there has not be a problem for a number of years concerning noise from the pumps in the boiler room. However since the Emergency Works on 20th October 2010 the noise problem/nuisance which we had in the past (2002 until 2007) has come back. This suggests that the settings have been changed and is not an issue relating to sound insulation as referred to by Mr Bowcut. It is also unlikely that it is simply a matter of bearing wear which coincided with the recent works.
As you are already aware a number of residents lives are been made a misery due to this problem. It can be resolved as it was in 2007-08. Please insure that this problem is resolved before the current contractors leave the site without assuming responsibility for unacceptable work. It may be worth you noting that it was the same contractor (G&D Higgins) who left the same problem after the heating works that they carried out on Feb 2002.
Could you please reply with your thoughts about this e-mail.
On 02 November 2010 at 21:40 Cllr Roger Robinson wrote:
Dear Resident
I will take the matter to the Cabinet member for Housing and the Director of Housing, I think…..I will do the emails tomorrow.
Best wishes
Roger Robinson Cllr
On 04 November 2010 at 08:59 Cllr Roger Robinson wrote:
For the attention of Mike Cooke, Acting Director of Housing
Dear Mike
This boiler at Goldthorpe block on the Curnock Estate has been a pain for a long time to residents with the wretched noise night and day……the matter has been looked at but despite the efforts of officers the noise persists and persists.
PLEASE can action be taken once and for all to resolve this.
I first raised this some 3-4 years ago- it improved after some time and now is back …
I would ask for your intervention as Director of Housing.
Many thanks
Roger Robinson Cllr
St Pancras and Somers Town Ward
On 04 November 2010 at 09:04 Cllr Roger Robinson wrote:
Dear Resident,
Please see my 2 emails today to Mike Cooke, Director of Housing.
I am also seeing today Cllr Julian Fulbrook, Cabinet member for Housing about this and other matters plus Jackie Smyth, District Housing Manager this Friday.
Roger Robinson Cllr
On 05 November 2010 at 06:37 we wrote:
Dear Cllr Robinson,
I have recently learnt from Mr Tony Bowcut that the Apollo Group believe that they have finished with their works on the pumps in the boiler room.
However I have also learnt that a report (from a third independent party) has been sent to Mr Richard Michael on Tuesday which shows that there may still be some problems with the pumps, and it is probable that this could be causing the noise problem experienced in my flat. I am wondering if you had heard about this in your meeting with Cllr Julian Fulbrook yesterday, or if you could bring it up with Jackie Smyth today?
It has proved difficult for me to get a response from Richard Michael and so I was hoping that you may be be able to facilitate a meeting with Mr Michael and myself to discuss these issues directly?
Thanks again for your help and support.
On 05 November 2010 at 14:24 Mr Tony Bowcut wrote:
Dear Resident
Just to let you know we are still working to resolve your problems, at this moment we are still awaiting some clarifications on the report to the settings and condition of the pumps, as soon as we have an answer we will implement any remedial works if they are required.
Regards Tony
On 05 November 2010 at 22:28 Cllr Roger Robinson wrote:
As I was advised today by the District Housing Officer for camden Town the boiler room will be fully and properly sound proofed by the end of December 2010.
This should- I am told- stop for all time the noise from the boilers going out and disturbing the residents.
Please confirm
Roger Robinson Cllr
On 06 November 2010 at 17:46 Cllr Roger Robinson wrote:
Further to my email below – can Mr Michael confirm that the boiler room will be fully and properly sound proofed by the end of December. As this another month can he please meet me and the residents and Susan Gorrie from the Curnock TRA on this matter to see what can be done to deaden the noise until then?
Roger Robinson Cllr
St Pancras and Somers Town Ward
On 08 November 2010 at 06:10 we wrote:
Dear Cllr Roger Robinson
Thank you very much for this email requesting a meeting with Mr Michael.
Residents are aware that the boiler room will be soundproofed and this will hopefully help to deaden the noise which comes from this area 24 hours a day.
But I need the council to understand that this is not the problem that I am complaining about. The throbbing and pulsating noise which bothers me occurs intermittently, but particularly during cold weather. There is strong evidence that it is being caused by a pump (or similar equipment) attached to a wall which is probably shared with my flat. Either the pump or the pump settings are not working correctly, particularly when they are being made to work harder during cold weather. This is the exactly the same problem that occurred back in 2002-07. Then the problem was eventually solved by changing the settings of the pump. The noise then disappeared until now, in October 2010 when the Apollo Group have again been working in the Boiler Room.
I have tried to explain this several times to Apollo and Camden Council, because as you are very aware the nuisance caused to me is making me sick through sleepless nights, stress and anxiety. This week I have had to take time off work and have also had to take prescribed medicines from my doctor.
It has now evident that Apollo is aware of a problem relating to the settings and condition of the pumps (email below dated 5th November from Tony Bowcut). Tony Bowcut from Apollo has told me that a report from an undisclosed third party concerning the pumps has this week been sent to Mr Michael. I am writing to make you aware of this report and its implications and to request that Mr Michael shares the findings of the report with us.
Best Regards
On 08 November 2010 at 15:42 Ms Jackie Louis wrote:
Dear Councillor Robinson
The next progress meeting for the heating project is on the 23rd November at 11.00am. You are welcome to attend at 11am as the first 30 minutes of the meeting is allocated for resident queries. Please note that all the project team will be in attendance at this meeting. Once the queries have been addressed you will be required to leave the meeting to enable the Camden project team and Apollo to continue with the progress meeting.
I can confirm that the boiler house will not be fully sound proofed. An environmental noise assessment report was carried out by a specialist acoustic consultant in May 2009. In terms of specification for noise control they have recommended the following works:
– Supply and fit a new run and standby fan set for the low level air intake into the boiler room complete with attenuators.
– Supply and fit duct work and attenuators.
– Supply and fit the recommended acoustic enclosure along with new doors at the bottom of the access stair in the plant room.
– Supply and fit acoustic louvers along with blanking panels to fill in the remainder of the front aspect.
The above specified measures are to reduce the noise level to 10 dBA (A- weighted decibels).Upon completion of the acoustic works Apollo will commission a 24 hour noise survey to show that the noise level targets have been met. As previously advised these acoustic works are due to take place in December.
Jackie Louis
Project Manager
Mechanical & Electrical Delivery
LondonBorough of Camden
Housing & Adult Social Care
Phone: 020 7974 2628
Fax: 020 7284 2309
33-35 Jamestown Road
Block D
LondonNW1 7DB
Visit camden.gov.uk for the latest council information
On 08 November 2010 at 16:11 Mr Richard Michael wrote:
Dear Resident,
In addition to information provided by Jackie’s earlier e-mail.
I have received a short report today concerning the zone pumps at Curnock Street boiler house.
The report concentrates on the three pairs of zone pumps in the boiler house that circulate the hot water for heating around the estate.
The report states that zone 1 pump two has bearing failure. This is the pump that serves your flat and it was isolated approx three weeks ago and is not causing any noise at present. The pump will be repaired under contract.
There are two faulty invertors, one on zone 2 and one on zone 3. This will mean that the speed control of the two pumps will not ramp up and down correctly dependant on pressure differential. An order will be placed for these to be replaced after a competitive price is obtained.
There is a pressure transducer on each flow from the six pumps. It has been stated that they are not in good condition which may be causing an intermittent signal from them.
I will get a competitive price for these and place an order.
Tony Bowcutt investigated the area around your flat last week and has found a rooflight missing and some vandalism in the tank room next to your flat. This could possibly cause noise to travel down the riser duct when the wind blows in a certain direction.
I have contacted Housing Repairs for the term building contractor to attend and rectify.
Richard Michael
Mechanical Contract Manager
Telephone: 0207 974 2048
On 09 November 2010 at 09:06 we wrote:
Dear Mr Michael,
Thank you for your helpful email.
Of particular interest is the report concerning the two faulty invertors, on zone 2 and zone 3, and the poor condition of the pressure transducer on each flow from the six pumps.
With experience of the problem last time around, I believe that it may have been a fault with the invertors (and their settings) back in 2002-2007.
Please could you specifically ask the engineers who compiled the report if this could be the route of the problem, particularly if the said equipment is attached to a service wall in my flat?
Please could you also indicate how long it may take to get a competitive quote for the faulty equipment, and then how long it would be before the equipment is replaced?
It may also be worth finding out why the equipment is faulty. Is it because of general wear and tear, or could it be due to a change in conditions following the current work being carried out by Apollo Group?
Regarding the memo from Cllr Robinson, please can you indicate if we can have a meeting between ourselves to discuss these specific issues…
On 09 November 2010 at 15:39 Mr Richard Michael wrote:
Dear Councillor Robinson
I have met again on site this morning and checked for any excessive noises but once again none were present.
The zone pumps are running very quietly and there was no noise from pipework in either the boiler house or within the flat. The pump serving the flats above is running at a fixed speed and so the noise frequency from it would not change during the night.
The noise from the primary pumps, boilers and fans was as it has been prior to and during the capital works.
Once the acoustic works below are carried out this will reduce noise to a level not achieved previously so it will be noticeably quieter.
There is a cold water storage cistern located next to the flat which as far as I am aware has the down service running across at high level and down through the bathroom into the riser duct which also contains heating risers and soil stack.
There could possibly be noise emanating from either the ball valve on the tank or from an appliance such as a tap, shower mixer, toilet cistern etc that is not closing off correctly at all times in any flats served from this down service or the water main.
Unfortunately the door to the tank room has a non standard lock and so I could not access this morning.
The caretaker has a key and so I have asked the caretaking supervisor to get a spare cut for the site office until the lock is changed to a standard one.
Dave Cattell (Water Services manager) will then have the storage tank and room surveyed and checked for condition/operation.
I have asked Housing Repairs to have the rooflight replaced above the tank room.
Tony has checked on Google Earth and found a pic from 2006 which shows the rooflight was detached then.
This, together with a pipe that has an open end between the bedroom and bathroom externally high level, could be causing noise when the wind is blowing in a certain direction.
We have asked the resident to contact the site office immediately should the noise occur between 7.30 and 17.00 so that it can be witnessed.
The problem with tracing the alleged noise is that it has not been witnessed by engineers yet and so is very difficult to guess what could be causing it.
In the meantime we are actively looking at all possible causes and eliminating them.
I have re-iterated to the resident that he should call Environmental Health to report any excessive noise on the numbers given in previous e-mails.
Richard Michael
Mechanical Contract Manager
On 11 November 2010 at 06:31 we wrote:
Dear Mr. Michael,
Please can you let me know when you will be able to respond to the specific points in my email of 9th November, concerning the “health” of the machinery in the boiler room.
The nuisance noise is coming from this room, and it is not a coincidence that it has come back following works carried out by Apollo as this was the case before. The other possible causes of the problem that you have suggested should be investigated, but should not deflect attention away from the faulty equipment in the boiler room.
It would be of significant help to me if you could answer these questions:
1. Request the engineers who compiled the report if any of the faulty equipment could be the route of the noise problem, particularly if the said equipment is attached to a shared wall in my flat.
2. Approximately how long will it take to get a competitive quote for the faulty equipment, and then how long it would be before the equipment is replaced?
3. What do you think is the reason for the equipment being faulty. Is it because of general wear and tear, or could it be due to a change in conditions following the current work being carried out by Apollo Group?
Could you forward me a copy of the recent short report concerning the zone pumps at the Curnock Street boiler house, (or is it something that I would have to request under “freedom of information.”) Please advise.
Finally please could you arrange a time for a meeting with myself and Cllr. Robinson.
On 13 November 2010 at 16:27 Cllr Roger Robinson wrote:
Dear Mr Michael
Please could you reply to the residents in order to answer some specific queries they raise concerning the faulty machinery in the boiler room?
There has been no response to these points but I am told you are now suggesting that the “alleged” noise could be coming from a variety of other sources which, even if this is the case, does not mean that the faulty boiler room equipment should not still be pursued as the first probable cause of the nuisance.
It is the belief of residents that the noise is coming from a particular equipment which is faulty or has the wrong settings. This was the case before. When eventually you decided to take some action the problem was fixed within a few days.
I reiterate my request for a meeting of yourself, the residents, the TRA and ward councillors to discuss these issues.
Roger Robinson Cllr
St Pancras and Somers Town Ward
On 19 November 2010 at 06:33 we wrote:
Dear Mr Michael,
Mr Tony Bowcut visited my property yesterday morning at 05:50am. He heard/witnessed the noise and later at 06:10am he went to the boiler room where we run the tests that I had suggested in our meeting on Tuesday 16th November 2010. It was the same tests that the engineers did 4-5 years ago.
He switched on and off the pumps, one by one, until the noise was off.
We discovered that pump No2 is the reason for the noise in my flat. We turned it on and off 4 times and the result was always the same: “Silence” in my bedroom.
Mr Bowcut agreed yesterday to sent myself and you an e-mail in which he will explain the findings of his visit in more technical terms.
I would appreciate if you answer the questions previously sent to you (more than a week ago – see attached e-mail) as well as the following:
1) Does the report mention pump No2? If yes, what does it say?
2) Is it possible to switch that pump off until the replacement is ready or until someone repairs the pump?
3) Can someone change the settings of the pump No 2 in order to reduce the noise?
4) What else can be done to this pump in order to reduce the noise and the vibrations?
I am looking forward for your answers.
On 23 November 2010 at 11:00, Meeting with Apollo Group, Richard Michael and Cllr Roger Robinson
Apollo Group and Mr Richard Michael promised to take pump two out of action today. They will completely overhaul it.
On 29 November 2010, Mr Tony Bowcut informed us that:
1) Pump one was activated and pump two was taken out of action on the 23 November 2010.
2) Tony Bowcut was inupdated with complaints from residents on the 24 November 2010.
3) Apollo Group deactivate pump one and reactivate pump 2.
4) One of the pumps will be taken out of site for repairs and it will be ready early next week.
5) Apollo Group will finish their works at the end of January or the beginning of February 2011.
On 08 December 2010, in our telephone conversation with Mr Richard Michael we have informed that:
The pump has been repaired and it will be fitted tomorrow inside the boiler room.
On 10th December 2010, onsite officers from Apollo Group informed us that:
Due to technical problems the pump’s repair had delayed and for that reason it did not arrive yesterday.
The pump will arrive today (10-12-2010) but they will install it on Monday 13th December 2010.
On 13th December 2010, Mr Tony Bowcut informed us that:
We now have the refurbished pump back on site and will have it fitted and running by tomorrow morning.
Regards Tony
Tony Bowcut
Senior Site Manager
Apollo Property Services Group
Unit 3 Centric Close
off Oval Road
T 0207 428 8830
F 0207 485 1149
E tonybowcut@theapollogroup.co.uk
W www.theapollogroup.co.uk
On 14th December 2010:
The refurbished pump was installed and the noise was reduced and/or eliminated in some areas.
On 17th December 2010, we wrote to Mr Bowcut:
Hi Mr Bowcut,
The noise is back as before at this time, 01:20am. The pump is pulsating again. Has something changed?
On 17th December 2010, Mr Bowcut wrote:
We have not changed or worked on the system since we fitted the pump on Monday, we will look into the noise for you.
Tony Bowcut
Senior Site Manager
On 18th December 2010,we wrote:
Dear Mr Bowcut,
The pulsating noise was audable again from the early hours of the morning through to the time I am writing this email.
Why is the noise back after a few “quite” nights?
On 20-12-2010 at 11:16am, Mr Richard Michael informed us that:
Please be aware that the heating to Curnock St Estate is returning back to its set temperature.
There was a lock out on one of the boilers over the weekend which has been re-set this morning. This led to the flow temperatures dropping over the weekend as two boilers struggled to cope with the temperatures being below freezing.
I have just left site and all three boilers were firing and the temperatures were coming back up.
The three monthly planned maintenance for the plant is being carried out this week and will include investigation into why the boiler locked out.
I have checked the pumps this morning and there is no excessive noise in the boiler house. There are planned works to install bellows and anti-vibration matting to the heating pumps which will isolate any vibration given off by them but noise has not been evident on my site visits.
Richard Michael
Mechanical Contract Manager
Telephone: 0207 974 2048
On 20-12-2010 at 11:48am, we wrote:
Dear Mr Michael,
Thank you very much for the detailed update.
I would like to add (for the people who do not know) that the noise inside the boiler room or the site is not a problem for the residents. However the noise inside our flats is a nuisance since we have the noise problem for the last 56 days and nights.
I hope that the installation of bellows and anti-vibration matting to the heating pumps as well as some further investigation help to reduce the noise inside our flats. Please let us know the dates for the installation of the above equipment.
Thanks again for the update.
On 30-12-2010 at 09:53am, a resident wrote the following to Mr Richard Michael:
Dear Mr Michael,
During the last 24 hours period we have experienced a new trauma in the flat. It has occurred on three occasions twice last night for a period of approximately 1 minute and this morning at 09:23 for approximately 5 minutes.
I can only explain the noise as if a giant washing machine is attached to a wall and it is going out of control on the spin cycle. All the walls and even the floor was vibrating. The noise could even been picked up by my iPad recorder which means that it is higher than the “acceptable?” 40dB.
Please listen to the file attached (you may need the free Apple QuickTime player: http://www.apple.com/quicktime/ ).
The noise is coming from the boiler room and it is disturbing.
On 30-12-2010 at 11:51am, John Stow informed us that:
Dear Resident,
Have just left the boiler room everything is working and I was unable to detect any unusual noises or vibrations.
Was this reported to thee repairs team?
John Stow
Mechanical services manager
Telephone: 020 7974 2046
On 30-12-2010 at 12:18, we e-mailed Mr John Stow:
Dear Mr Stow,
Thank you for coming out but as I stated on my email the noise is not constant. It last for a couple of minutes and then it stops.
The problem has not been reported to the repairs team because it is not their responsibility.
The situation is the same as pump 2. It was working but at the same time pump 2 was creating an awful and pulsating noise. After the refurbishment of pump 2 the problem is almost resolved.
The weird noises are coming from another equipment which is more likely to be one of the boilers/pumps.
Are all the three boilers working? Have all the problems with the boilers (gas leak, boiler door seal, etc) been fixed?
On 30-12-2010 at 16:41, Mr John Stow informed us:
Dear Resident,
I have just return from the boiler house whereby I found all 3 boilers working.
Regrettably I was unable to locate any bizarre noises coming from the plant in the boiler hse or anything that would cause a vibration in your property.
In regards to the misunderstanding regarding repairs, all heating failures, including noise matters must be reported through the repairs /contact centre so that we have a clear audit trail and therefore uncertain why you believe it is not their responsibility.
John Stow
Mechanical services manager
Telephone: 020 7974 2046
On 31-12-2010 at 02:13am, we sent the following e-mail:
Dear Mr Stow & Mr Michael,
It is 01:53am and the noise from the boiler room is higher than 40dB which is the legal limit. The noise starts almost every hour now, it is loud most of the times, and very disturbing. When it stops we have another pulsating noise from the same equipment.
When did the Camden Council started the failed boiler? Has the failed boiler activated last Wednesday? Did any other work take place since Wednesday morning?
Who did the boiler repair and who started the boiler the last time (Seaflame, Apollo, etc)?
Something has to be done because every hour we wake up and it is impossible to sleep.
On 31-12-2010 at 09:07am, Cllr Roger Robinson sent the following e-mail:
Dear Mr Stow
This must stop….despite what has been said by the officers the wretched noise is still there, it seems…..surely we can take some definitive action? I can’t believe this goes on and on….
I must ask as a ward councillor that urgent action is taken today.
Please advise me on mobile 07833 437 471.
Roger Robinson Cllr
St Pancras and Somers Town Ward
On 31-12-2010 at 09:42am, Mr Richard Michael responded to Cllr Roger Robinson
Dear Mr Robinson,
I am on site at present in the Curnock St boiler house.
All plant is operating with no excessive noise.
Temperatures are all at correct settings and there is no vibration felt on any of the pipework.
I did give details of Environmental Health dept to the resident some time back as they have officers available for such issues during the night.
If the alleged noise is only occurring intermittently during the night it suggests another source as the boiler plant runs 24/7.
Richard Michael
On 31-12-2010 at 10:59am, we sent the following e-mail to Mr Richard Michael:
Dear Mr Michael,
I believe that I may have seen you go to the boiler room this morning – from approximately 9:08am until 9:20am. Unfortunately you didn’t think it pertinent to call me whilst you were here to discuss in person what is happening. (You have my mobile phone number).
Anyway, as I have shown in all my emails about this problem the noise is intermittent – perhaps if you were to stay more than 10 minutes each visit you would find where the problem lays. Also I am complaining about the noise in my flat – why don’t you try to visit the flat whilst you are here as well as the boiler room to address the problem?
You say that the boiler room runs consistently 24/7. This is a stupid comment to yet again make. Obviously there is a change in demand for hot water and heating throughout the day and night which requires pumps and equipment to work at different levels/speeds at different times. It doesn’t require a technical or clever mind to understand this.
You again refer to the “alleged” noise. Please refer to my previous recording of the noise picked up by an insensitive recording device……it is demeaning to me that you use this term yet again and suggests that I am lying or exaggerating the problem.
A friend stayed in my flat last night. The noise woke him up on several occasions – it is out of order.
This new level noise started on Wednesday evening.
1) Was anything in the boiler room changed during that day?
2) When was the boiler which had been out of action because it was faulty, returned to service?
3) Which company repaired the boiler?
4) Which company reinstalled the boiler?
Please note that I am not at work until Tuesday the 4th and if you visit the site again please call me on my mobile and if I am local I will like to try to meet you on site.
Please also have in mind that when I met Tony Bowcut on site and explained the previous noise problem, he was able to find the problem (pump 2 ) and resolve it. In contrast with Mr Bowcut you have ignored all my requests for a meeting with myself and Cllr Robinson for three months now.
On 31-12-2010 at 15:54, Mr Richard Michael responded with the following e-mail:
Dear Resident,
This noise has been investigated many times by different officers and Apollo staff previously and nobody has witnessed the noise. I have been told that this dates back approx 6 years. I have visited your flat with Mr Bowcut and no noise was heard. You were also invited to the site meeting, where we have a residents session before the project meeting, and your representative attended as you were away.
I have given you the Environmental Health contact numbers for out of hours noise disturbance but you have chosen not to call them.
I cannot play the noise recording you have sent as the computer I use does not have quicktime and I do not have administration rights to download.
Nothing changed last Wednesday with regard to pumps or noise.
The gas leak was repaired (no noise issue) and the boiler door seal and tie rod were replaced on boiler three (no noise issue).
I had four other sites to visit that had low temperature issues this morning and so could not spend all morning waiting around for a noise to possibly occur.
Please call Environmental Health if it occurs out of hours again and in the meantime we will endeavour to stop all possible causes of excessive noise from the boiler house plant as previously explained to you.
Richard Michael
Mechanical Contract Manager
Telephone: 0207 974 2048
On 31-12-2010 at 16:13, we sent the following e-mail to Mr Tony Bowcut from the Apollo Group:
Dear Mr Bowcut,
Could you please inform Mr Michael about the noise that you heard on my flat during your visit on 18-11-2010? The noise which with your help we were able to eliminate by refurbishing pump 2.
Could you also inform Mr Michael (as per our telephone conversation on 29-11-2010) about how you were inundated with complains (on 25th – 26th November 2010) when you switched on pump 1 on the 23rd November 2010?
On 01-01-2011 at 01:28am, we sent the following e-mail to Mr Michael and Cllr Roger Robinson:
Dear Mr Michael,
I also called the emergency repairs team and they told me that you are wrong. If you do not believe me talk with Abdul Ali on the emergency repairs team. The team does not have an expert to do the sound recording and the environmental health will come to my premises only if the noise is constant and ongoing. Not if it occurs every hour or less often. Exactly what I said on our telephone conversation this afternoon. Basically your advice was a TOTAL WASTE of time!!!
I expect your full apology on this matter for wasting my time, the emergency repairs team time and puting residents health at risk.
Cllr Robinson,
Can something be done in the mean time for making the night noise lower so we can sleep? Who is Mr Michael’s manager?
1) Clattering Noise Coming From The Boiler Room
2) Emergency Hot Water Shut Down To ALL Blocks
3) Improvements To The Heating System