All Residents, Meetings

Camden Town DMC Meeting Notes Jun 2007

Here you can find a small part of the DMC metting that was held on the 20th June 2007:



Susan Gorrie said that she was willing to be nominated for membership of the Grants and Resources Committee of the Camden Federation of Tenants and Residents Associations, but her TRA (Curnock Street) was not yet re-registered with the Federation.


THAT the CommitteeÂ’s nomination to membership of the Grants and Resources Committee of the Camden Federation of Tenants and Residents Associations be deferred until the September 2007 meeting.


Susan Gorrie emphasised the need for a comprehensive maintenance system to be put in place after major works. She quoted the example of new garage doors that ceased to work after four months because of a lack of spare parts which had to be sourced from outside the UK.


Susan Gorrie asked whether the money ring-fenced for security work on the Curnock Street estate under the previous Pride of Place strategy would be affected by the new strategy. Colin Chin confirmed that these works would go ahead, as it was only the contingency element that was being recycled into the new investment priorities. Susan Gorrie pointed out that consultation on the detail of the works to be carried out at Curnock Street had not yet been completed so it would be premature to recycle the contingency element of the funding.



Consideration was given to a report of the Assistant Director of Housing and Adult Social Care.

Josie Adams introduced the report, which had been prepared in response to the findings of the anti-social behaviour (ASB) review and DMCsÂ’ view that the Council could enforce its tenancy rules more effectively. Introductory and demoted tenancies could be used as a real disincentive to ASB and could help the Council end the tenancies of disruptive tenants. Josie stressed that every effort would be made to keep people in their tenancies as far as possible.

Susan Gorrie saw the point of demoted tenancies which specifically targeted tenancies where ASB was a problem. However, she was concerned that introductory tenancies would be given to all new tenants; she felt that this could cause tenants real insecurity. Josie Adams replied that the intention was to prevent ASB rather than have to deal with it once it manifested itself.

Paul Tomlinson pointed out that applying introductory tenancies to some tenants only could be construed as discriminatory action. However, he felt that there were already clear rules about the conduct expected of tenants and proposals of the kind suggested in the report were unnecessary.

Jackie Holloway said that there was already a screening process for potential new tenants. Josie Adams replied that while this was true, the Council could not know the full background of every potential tenant.

The Chair said that the Committee understood the justification for demoted tenancies and asked for a show of hands on the issue of introductory tenancies. The Committee unanimously expressed its opposition to introductory tenancies.


THAT the Committee opposed the use of introductory tenancies and that members who wished to comment on the report should contact Josie Adams direct by the first week of July.

ACTION BY: Director of Housing and Adult Social Care (Josie Adams) and Committee Members

The whole document can be found in the following link:

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