VENUE: 11-17 The Marr, Camden Street, NW1 0HE
You are invited to drop in session to find out more about the proposed heating works to your estate. A drop in session will be held in the day and one in the evening.
At the drop in sessions you will be able to discuss Camden Council’s proposals with their consultant Chris Palmer from Nifes Consulting Group and Jackie Louis from Camden Council. The Councillorshave also been invited to the drop in sessions and so have representatives from the District Housing Office.
Please note that the method of consultation for this scheme is receiving information, where residents will receive information about the works we propose to do. This type of consultation is for information only.
If you have any queries in the meantime please do not hesitate to contact Jackie Louis by phone, e-mail or letter:
Address Letters to:
Jackie Louis
Project Manager
London Borough of Camden