There is no hot water in the Curnock Estate since 12:00 today. The Emergency Team of the Camden Council has been informed. Seaflame visited the site at 15:00.
The Seaflame Engineer did not find any problem with the boiler. His supervisor informed him that the problem might be with the water tanks which are located on the roof. He suggested to contact the Emergency Team again in order to speak with the Apollo plumbers.
At 15:30 we called the Emergency team and they promised to speak with the plaumbers today. The lady on the phone said that we might have hot water again this evening.
At 16:15 the plumber arrived in Goldthorpe. He did not know about the estate and how the heating system works but when he spoke with someone else on the phone, he was informed about the water tank on the Mexborough building. The valve on that water tank seems to create the problem.
At this moment he is on the roof trying to fix the valve.
At 08:50am, on the 27th September 2009, we called the Emergency Team asking for an update. They informed us that a pump is broken and for that reason the plumber could not fix the problem yesterday. They will replace the pump tomorrow.
28-09-2009 The problem has been fixed and there is hot water.