All Residents, Central Heating, Communal Services, Hot Water, Major Works

Heating Works and Water Tanks Replacement

The following letter was sent to the residents of the Curnock Estate regarding the estate’s works in the heating system. To view the original document click here.

Mechanical & Electrical Delivery Group
Housing & Adult Social Care
London Borough of Camden
33/35 Jamestown Road
London NW1 7DB

Tel: 020 7974 2628
Fax: 02072842309


Date: 24th February 2010
Reference: M&E/Site Set Up/D1b/Scope of works

Dear resident

Re: Heating Works and Water Tanks Replacement

Camden Council is investing £413m in its ‘investing in Camden homes’ strategy to bring all of Camden’s Council homes to the ‘decent homes standard’ and deliver essential investment in lifts and heating systems.

Improvements made to residents’ homes focus on ‘decent homes’ elements such as wiring, windows, kitchens and bathrooms, as well as improvements to mechanical and electrical equipment like lifts and heating systems.

Further to the surveys Apollo carried out in March 2009 I am writing to let you know that the heating works to your estate will be commencing in May 2010 for a period of 6 months. Please be aware that work can sometimes take longer than predicted, if this happens we wiii let you know as soon as possible.

I am aware that Decent Homes works are currently on site and will liaise with the Camden Decent Homes Project Manager. These works are currently estimated to complete on site in May 2010.

What work will be carried out?

We will be replacing the heating distribution pipe work below ground level, in the private car park and also to the car park that serves the estate, installing radiator controls, replacing 2 water tanks and 2 hot water calorifiers and reducing the amount of noise from the boiler house.

What disruption will the work cause me?

Due to the renewal of the heating pipe work there will be some shut down periods to the heating service during the change over periods, but they will fall during working hours for 8 hours or less (Monday to Friday). The disruption will be kept to a minimum. You will be notified of this in advance. There is also a provision of temporary heaters if required.

In accordance with Camden’s policy residents will be given a rebate on their service charge for loss of heating in excess of 7 days. Please note that should you need to use the temporary heaters provided Camden will be unable to reimburse the electric costs incurred.

Help for residents with special needs

So that we can help residents with special needs such as disabilities and illnesses we need to find out as soon as possible who might need extra help. We can then decide what the best way is to help each resident based on their needs. Enclosed with this letter is a questionnaire, please complete it and return it to me in the freepost envelope provided by 15th March 2010.

What access is needed?

We will require access for half a day to your property in order to install the radiator controls.

What happens if I am a leaseholder?

You will shortly receive a legal document called a ‘Schedule 3 Notice’. The notice will contain details about the proposed works, and the estimated cost of your contribution and invite you to attend the statutory leaseholder consultation meeting. You will have the opportunity to make observations about the work. If you have any queries about this then you can contact our Home Ownership Service on 020 7974 3573.

What happens next?

We will send an invitation to a ‘Meet the Contractor’ drop in session. At the drop in you will meet the project team including a dedicated Resident Liaison Officer. We will write to you again with more details about this drop in session once the leaseholder consultation has expired. Should you be unable to attend the drop in sessions please note that you will be sent further information about the works together with contact details for the project team.

If you have any other questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely

Jackie Louis
Project Manager

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