The following letter was sent to the tenants of Goldthorpe and Billingley. The letter is about the Rubbish Disposal. To view the original document click here.
Camden Town District Housing Office
London Borough of Camden
The Crowndale Centre
218Eversholt Street
Tel: 020 7974 4444 Ext. 4258
Fax: 020 7974 1661
Textphone: 020 7974 6866
Date: Tuesday 2nd March 2010
Your Reference:
Our Reference: HASC/HO/HM/BB
Enquiries to: Barry Betts
To all residents of
Goldthorpe & Billingley
Curnork Street Estate
London NW1
Dear Resident
Rubbish disposal
I am writing to remind you of the following:
I am continuously being bombarded with e-mails with photographs, denoting that certain residents are leaving household rubbish outside their front doors, either overnight or during the day. Rubbish bags are also being left outside the bin rooms within the blocks instead of being placed inside the bin room.
Food waste in bags does contribute to pest infestations therefore I am requesting all residents to refrain from putting out rubbish bags outside their doors at night, leave them in your home until you have time to take them to the bin room and dispose of them correctly.
Leaving refuse bags outside your doors for any amount of time is termed as littering and is anti social behaviour, which is against your tenancy and lease conditions, which state:
2 Anti-social behaviour
a If anyone else lives with you, or visits your home, you are responsible for how they behave in and around your home, on any part of the estate, on any property belonging to the council, or in the locality of your home.
Examples of anti-social behaviour include :
• harassment, including racial harassment and domestic violence
• noise nuisance
• dumping rubbish or furniture
• failing to control children who are causing a nuisance or damage to property, including graffiti
• criminal activity
• throwing things off balconies or out of windows
• breaking shared security, for example allowing strangers to get into the building
• not keeping pets under control, including excessive barking of dogs and dogs fouling in communal or shared areas
• drug dealing in properties or on estates
• spitting or urinating anywhere in the communal areas of the block or on the estate.
b You or anyone else living with you or visiting your home, must not do, cause, encourage or allow to be done, anything which causes or is likely to cause nuisance, or may cause harassment or annoyance to anyone else. This applies in your home, on your estate, on any of our property, or in the locality of your home.
There will be a monitoring exercise carried out to the blocks shortly over a period of a couple of weeks, if we find a rubbish bag outside your door you will be warned once, should there be other occurrences at the same property you will be served with the appropriate Notice and warned that you could face legal action against your tenancy or lease.
Should you wish to discuss this matter you may contact me at the above office.
Yours faithfully
Barry Betts
Estate Officer
Housing and Adult Social Care