The following letter was sent to the residents of the Curnock Estate. The letter is about the Heating Works Drop In Session with the Contractor. To view the original document click here.
Curnock Street estate heating works invitation to ‘drop in’ & meet the contractor
Date: Wednesday 5th May 2010
Time: 11am-1pm and 5pm-7pm
Venue: 11-17 The Marr, Camden Street, NW1 OHE
Now that the heating works are starting soon, you are invited to come and meet the people that are involved.
We can give you information about:
• How the work will be carried out safely
• How the work will be organised
• How we will keep you informed as work progresses
• Who to contact if you need any help
You will have the opportunity to discuss this with the contractor and myself.
Your Resident Liaison Officer (RLO) will also be there to answer any of your questions.
We look forward to seeing you.
Jackie Louis
Project Manager
Mechanical & Electrical Delivery
Housing & Adult Social Care
London Borough of Camden
London NWS 4PA
Tel: 020 79742628
Fax: 020 7284 2309