All Residents, Major Works

IRS Cost, Two Consultations & Extra Sockets


How much money will each flat on the Curnock Estate contribute to the IRS?


Tenants are paying according to para1.2 of the Executive Report of 22 April 2008 entitled “Integrated Reception Systems (HASC/2008/28)”, namely:

“On 31 March 2008 the Executive Member for Housing approved the introduction of a service charge of £0.87 per week to tenants whose properties have IRS installed. This charge to increase by RPI + 0.5% per annum. Where a system is already in place before 31 March 2008, the service charge is to be depooled from 1st April 2009, where systems are installed after 31st March 2008 the charge will commence in full from the following April. IRS service charge income will be ring fenced to re-coup the capital costs of installation.”

Leaseholder contributions are calculated using the formula below. This was included in the Section 20 Notice.

(Rateable Value of property x total cost of block) + 10% management fee = Total
(Rateable Value of block


Why the Camden Council did two separate consultations for the same estate? One consultation was done for Hickleton and Trimpton only and one for the other buildings.


The consultations have been split in two for the estate as the IRS installation programme had Hickleton and Trimdon included in the year 1 programme. The rest of the blocks were included in year 2 – 4 programme.

If the systems between the buildings are different, could you please provide all the differences?


There is no difference between the system installed in each block on your estate. The Executive has agreed to install 9 wire Integrated Reception Systems.

What is the maximum capacity of the IRS system that will be installed? Camden Council specified only one connection/socket per flat but the system might have extra


The executive has agreed one socket to each property’s living room. If you wish to have another socket you can speak to the contractor directly who will provide a quote. Each block is surveyed before works are carried out in order to determine the capacity needed to supply the block with the system, this will vary from block to block.

If you wish read the Report to Executive of 31 March 2008 which sets out the rationale for the installation of a 9 wire IRS system on Camden estates and information on resourcing the programme, this is available on the Council’s website by using the following link.

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