The following letter was sent to the Council Tenants of the Curnock Estate. The letter is about a Manufacturer’s Recall On Certain Domestic Miniature Circuit Breakers. To view the original document click here.
Electrical & Mechanical Engineers and Contractors
Roebuck House
Roebuck Road
Hainault Business Park
Essex IG6 3TU
To The Resident
Dear Tenant,
A supplier to Camden Council has issued a manufacturer’s recall on certain domestic miniature circuit breakers. Our records indicate that some of these circuit breakers may have been installed by various contractors into Camden properties.
The only way that this can be verified is for the circuit breakers to be visually inspected by a qualified competent electrician. Electrium is therefore planning to inspect any potentially affected properties and to replace the circuit breakers if necessary.
This checking process will be carried out by Lovelock & Taylour. This inspection and any necessary works will take less than 1/2 hour and should not cause any mess or disruption. This checking process will begin on 01/06/10
We would appreciate your co-operation with this inspection process and would like to reassure you that this activity will be completed as quickly as possible.
Should you have any questions regarding the above, you are welcome to contact the Electrium Helpdesk at Lovelock & Taylour on 020 8559 9018
Yours Sincerely
J.L. Brockett
Deputy Managing Director
Investing in Camden’s homes