REF: Long Term Agreement for the Provision of Leasehold Building Insurance Proposals
We sent the following e-mail to Capital Services regarding the Leasehold Building Insurance Proposals (REF: 10/021):
“Dear Jo O’Donnel,
Thank you for your letter dated 19th July 2010 regarding the “Long Term Agreement for the Provision of Leasehold Building Insurance”.
Unfortunately, it is not possible for us to attend the meetings at the Town Hall (09:00am to 04:00pm) in order to inspect the proposals and all the relevant documents.
In order to be able to complete our observation forms, could you please send us those proposals and any relevant documents by e-mail or post before the end of the consultation period which ends on 23rd August 2010 ?”
Jo O’Donnell, Consultation and Final Account Principal, replied to us with the following informaiton:
“Thank you for your observation received on 26th July 2010, I have responded to the query that you raised below:
So far we have only posted you Camden’s Notice of Intention to enter into a boroughwide insurance contract. This advises you that it is Camden’s intention to tender for a new insurance contract and I have enclosed the executive report (PDF or DOC) that explains in more detail why Camden is re-tendering this contract.
However, we are still in the very early stages with this procurement and the insurance tender proposals will not be finalised until stage 1 of the leasehold consultation has closed after due regard has been given to all observations that we receive. Camden’s Insurance Department will then finalise the proposed tender document, and this will be presented at the leaseholder’s forum for leaseholders to comment on.
Camden will then begin operating the competitive tendering process to appoint an insurer in line with European public sector procurement rules. Insurers who wish to bid will have to satisfy a number of criteria including financial stability and solvency, experience in underwriting similar types of contracts, and minimum levels of service. The aim is to procure a contract that is sustainable and stable at a reasonable cost.
Once all tenders have been received from interested insurers these will be evaluated by a panel of experts including a leaseholder representative. Thereafter a further Notice of Proposal will be posted out to all leaseholders; we estimate this will be around November/ December 2010.
This Notice of Proposal again offers you the opportunity to send in any observations that you have to Camden, and you will be invited to a meeting to view the full proposals, relevant reports, the pre qualification questionnaires, and all the responses from the insurance market. This meeting will be held outside of office hours to enable leaseholders who are unavailable during office hours to attend.
Yours sincerely,
Jo O’Donnell
Consultation and Final Account Principal
Finance and Resources
Housing and Adult Social Care
London Borough of Camden
Telephone: 020 7974 2559
Fax: 020 7974 3929
Ground Floor
Bidborough House
38-50 Bidborough Street
London WC1H 9DB”