Today, the following information was sent to the residents of the Curnock Street Estate. To view the original document click here.
Residents’ Newsletter December 2010 – Curnock Street Estate
Welcome to the fourth edition of Apollo’s newsletter for Camden residents at Curnock Street Estate.
Apollo site office
Off Pratt Street
London NW1 OLY
(Situated behind Warmsworth block)
Tel: 02073884448
Fax: 020 7388 4448
Completion dates for works
As you might have been aware we had been due to complete the heating works on the 17tn December 2010.
Due to unforeseen additional necessary works we now hope to complete early 2011.
We will advise on a completion date in the New Year. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Important information
In case of an emergency between working hours (Monday to Friday) for the heating works we are undertaking please call Tony Bowcutt, Site Manager on 07825106790 or the site office on 0207 388 4448. At all other times contact Camden out of hours on 020 7974 4444 or Apollo on 01202 653 293.
Progress of works
The installation of new heating distribution pipe work is now complete to all blocks with the exception of Hickleton block. We hope the works to this block will be completed and all pathways reinstated in time for the Christmas break.
We have also progressed with the new heating and hot water distribution pipes to the Barnbrough block and also hope to have all of the pathways reinstated in time for the Christmas Break.
We have continued io back fiii and concrete the excavations to installation of the underground heating distribution pipes around the site.
We are progressing with the installations of the TRV radiator valves and have currently completed 240 properties on the estate with the remainder to be completed after the Christmas break.
Some residents may still be experiencing problems with their hot water supply Apollo and Camden have been working together to try and rectify the situation we now hope some of the work undertaken has now improved the supply of hot water to your property. When we return in the New Year we hope to be able to make further improvements to this supply and would like to thank you for your patience on this matter.
We would like to remind parents that during the works children are their responsibility and that fenced off areas are classed as building sites and not play areas.
All Apollo employees will have an Apollo photo identification card and should be wearing an Apollo high viz jacket with identification numbered on the back.
If you are unsure about a caller to your home you should ask them to wait outside and call any member of the project team.
Weekly Information Surgery
Please be reminded that every Tuesday at 10am at the site office the RLO and Site Manager will be available to answer any concerns/questions you may have about the work.
Christmas Holidays
We finish for Christmas on Thursday the 23rd December 2010 at 12.00 noon and return to work on Tuesday the 4th January 2011 During this period please contact Camden out of hours on 020 7974 4444 or Apollo on 01202 653 293.
Apollo and Camden would like to wish all residents on the Curnock Street Estate
A Happy Christmas and Happy New Year