Another day without hot water and heating on the Curnock Street Estate but with a lot of noise.
This is the 7th day without hot water and heating during the last five weeks.
Read the updates below:
On 11-01-2011 at 06:15am, a resident reported:
A resident called the Emergency Repairs Team and reported the problem. He was informed that many residents had already called before 06:00am.
The reference number is 1103387
On 11-01-2011 at 06:43am, a resident sent the following e-mail:
Dear Mr Stow and Mr Michael,
Today we do not have Hot Water and Heating again.
However, we have a loud background noise, an annoying pulsating noise and a high pitch alarm noise, the same alarm that was heard and described to you on 04-01-2011.
The Emergency Repairs Team was called around 06:00am and they informed us that many other residents have already reported the problem (REF: 1103387)
Would it be possible to have the heating and hot water without the noise nuisance?
Could you please inform me about the reasons for the systematic failures?
On 11-01-2011 at 15:36, Mr John Stow sent the following e-mail:
Dear Resident,
Thank you for the information you sent to Richard and I in your email below and my apologies again for the inconvenience and the disturbance that this has caused you and other residents on the estate.
We are currently looking into every reason why this has taken place however at this time I’m unable to give you an accurate answer.
Today the BMS (building management system)has displayed that throughout Monday evening to Tuesday morning the boilers have been making the temperatures that they are being called for. For example the main heating headers have not drop below 80c i.e. the set temperature.
One indicator that I have found on the display was a short increase in the temperatures, which could indicate pump lockout at 00.15 and 05.15. Would this be at the same time you had the noise?
We are also arranging a specialist contractor to come to site to access the control settings to make certain it’s not a sequencing or control issue at fault and to perform a full diagnostic on the building management system at the same visit.
I do take on board that this happened at the same time and same day last week, hence my suspicions on the controls and BMS.
When we have more information either Richard or I will advise you.
Lastly could you please call me or email me back as I would like to arrange a visit to your property this Thursday at 9 am or the following Monday?
Again my apologies for the inconvenience this has caused.
John Stow
Mechanical services manager
Telephone: 020 7974 2046
On 11-01-2011 at 16:38, Cllr Roger Robinson sent the following e-mail to Cllr Julian Fulbrook:
o Cllr Julian Fulbrook
Dear Julian
This has been a real saga and frankly I think sincerely we should consider compensation to residents for the wretched noise.
Why has it taken so long and the noise is till there.??
Roger Robinson Cllr
On 11-01-2011 at 16:42, Cllr Julian Fulbrook replied to the Cllr Robinson’s email:
What a terrible saga!
As you can see officers are working very hard to get to the bottom of this.
On 11-01-2011 at 20:29, we sent the following e-mail to John Stow (Read at 20:40):
Dear Mr Stow,
Concerning the lack of hot water and heating in just the last month when we had no service:
On 03-12-2010 I was told that the reason was due to a gas leak, boiler door seal and tie rod
On 20-12-2010 I was told that the reason was due to a lock out on one of the boilers
On 06-01-2011 I was told that the reason was due to leaking gasket
Today you are telling me that it could be due to a sequencing or control fault.
Not to mention the 24 days last year that we did not have hot water or heating in Goldthorpe.
So every time the boiler breaks down there seems to be a different reason (or excuse).
Either the system is not fit for purpose or the Camden council is not managing to adequately maintain it. I am not suggesting that officers are not working hard on the problems, but surely it is time to admit that the current system is not fit for purpose. In the meantime residents are suffering from lack of service and noise.
Furthermore the November report shows there are a number of other faults with the system (Inverter failure, no flow control, display failure to inverter unit. All 6 transducers are corroded and require replacement. Poor & intermittent signal from transducers resulting in poor / zero flow control, etc)
Concerning the meeting, I have arranged to take a half day off work so that I can meet with you and Pat O’Neil in my flat at 09:00am on Thursday 13th January 2011. Please can you confirm if anybody else will be attending this meeting?
Finally, could you please e-mail me the specific points that you are going to cover at the meeting (i.e. an agenda)?
Yours sincerely