There was no hot water on two occassion between 23 and 24th of March 2011. The following e-mail was sent to Mr Richard Michael requesting an update:
On 25-03-2011 at 07:23am, we wrote the following e-mail to Mr Richard Michael:
Dear Mr Michael,
I was informed today about the following:
On 23-03-2011 at 02:00am there was a cloud of steam above the temporary boiler which located outside Goldthorpe.
On 23-03-2011 at 08:00am there was no hot water. The hot water was back around 12:00 o’ clock.
On 24-03-2011 there was no hot water in the morning. However at 04:00am we woke up from the cluttering noise coming from the radiators.
On 25-03-2011 there was again cluttering noise at 04:40am, 05:00am and 05:45am from the radiators that stopped only when I changed the thermostatic valve to a different setting. The radiator became hot very quickly.
Could you please provide us with an update regarding the lack of hot water as well as the situation with the external boiler?
Thank you in advance.
On 28-03-2011 at 16:37am, Mr Richard Michael informed us:
Dear Resident,
The outage you mention above last week was caused by a burst on the hose on the temporary plant which caused a loss of the hot water supply which was re-instated the next day.
Temporary boiler plant will remain on site until such time as all four calorifiers are on line and holding temperature.
There is a hold up with this at the moment as the two units do not hold temperature on their own and so the old calorifier, that is still in position, has been put back online to maintain service.
The heating elements (tube nests) will be upgraded and it is estimated that they will take two weeks to arrive.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Richard Michael
Mechanical Contract Manager
Telephone: 0207 974 2048