The following letter was sent to the residents of the Curnock Estate. To view the original document click here.
Transport Strategy
London Borough of Camden
Camden Town Hall
Argyle Street
London WC1H 8EQ
Tel 020 7974 8804
DX 2106 Euston
Typetalk Friendly
Date: 23 June 2011
Camden Street
Dear Sir or Madam,
Camden Town area improvements – Public consultation
Camden Council has been working with the local community to identify how the streets could be improved across the area east of Camden High Street. Together we have identified areas where the streets could be safer and more attractive.
A number of key proposals have been developed to address the identified issues. As a local resident or business, we are writing to you to provide you with details of the proposals and give you the opportunity to let us know what you think.
What are the main issues?
• High traffic speeds make streets intimidating for pedestrians and cyclists
• Lack of pedestrian crossing facilities
• High number of road casualties
• Narrow and poor quality footways
• Lack of street trees
• Need for more parking for bicycles, electric vehicles, motorcycles and cars
• Fear of crime in some areas
• Lack of east-west cycle routes through the area
• Poor access to public transport in some areas
What is being proposed?
Camden Council has developed a number of proposals to address the identified issues which are listed below.
Proposal 1
Road / location: Greenland Road (between Bayham Street and Camden Street)
• Allow two way cycling
• Introduce new resident and pay and display parking bays
Proposal 2
Road / location: Junction of Pratt Street with Bayham Street
• Make the junction safer for pedestrians and cyclists
Proposal 3
Road / location: Pratt Street
• Introduce a new motorcycle parking bay
Proposal 4
Road / location: Plender Street
• Make the market area more attractive by widening the footways providing more space for the market stalls
• Provide a westbound cycle contra flow lane between Bayham Street and Camden High
• Improve traffic flow by replacing traffic signals at the junction of Plender and Bayham Street with a raised zebra crossing
Proposal 5
Road / location: Plender Street
• Introduce new pay and display and resident parking bays
Proposal 6
Road / location: Crowndale Road
• Widen the northern footway
Proposal 7
Road / location: St Pancras Way
• New zebra crossing near Granary Way
• Widen the footways
Proposal 8&9
Road / location: Bayham Street, Greenland Road, Randolph Street and Georgiana Street
• Provide electric vehicle charge points
• Provide car club parking bays
• Relocate existing parking to the northern side of Georgiana Street
Proposal 10
Road / location: Area wide
• Introduce a 20mph area speed limit to reduce accidents and make walking and cycling safer
• Upgrade footways
• Introduce new street trees
• Install more cycle parking
An information leaflet providing further details of these proposals is available online at Libraries across Camden provide computers with Internet access if you do not have access to a computer at home. Alternatively you can request a hard copy to be sent to you by contacting the Council using the details given below.
What will happen next?
Please complete the enclosed questionnaire, returning it to us using the FREEPOST envelope provided by 29th July 2011. All responses will be taken into account in the report to Camden’s Councillor responsible for Transport. If you would like further information please contact Transport Strategy on either 020 7974 8804 or email
Yours sincerely
Matthew George
Transport Planner
Planning and Public Realm Team