The following letter was sent to the residents of the Curnock Estate.
Please read the original document by clicking on this link.
Engineering Service
London Borough of Camden
Camden Town Hall
Argyle Street
London WC1H 8EQ
Tel: 020 7974 4444
Fax: 020 7974 4494 DX 2106
Euston Minicom: 0207974 6866
Date: 18 November 2011
Our reference:
Enquiries to: Diljeet Singh
Telephone: 020 7974 5106
Proposed Footway and Carriageway Improvements Bayham Street/Pratt Street and Bayham Street/Plender Street junctions
Dear Sir/Madam
Following this summer’s consultation on and approval of various improvements in the Camden Town East Area, improvement works to Bayham Street’s junctions with Pratt Street and Plender Street will be starting shortly. The result of the public consultation can be found on the attachment to this letter.
What works are taking place?
The Pratt Street/Bayham Street works include :
• Moving of the zebra crossing from the south side of the junction to the north side
• Widening and repaving of sections of the pavement on both sides of the road
• Construction of a raised table and carriageway resurfacing.
The Plender Street/ Bayham Street works include :
• Removal of the traffic signals and their replacement with a raised zebra crossing
• Widening and repaving sections the pavement on both sides of the road
• Resurfacing parts of the carriageway.
When will the works take place?
The works have been programmed (following consultation with key stakeholders) to start during week commencing 28 November 2011 and will take approximately 16 weeks to complete.-This allows for four weeks leading up to and during the Christmas and New Year period when no works will be carried out (between 12 December 2011 and 2 January 2012). This is to reduce any disruption to local businesses, traffic and inconvenience to pedestrians over the festive season.
Works will be done in sections on a rolling program; which will allow completed sections to be reopened as soon as possible. Works to sections of the footways will be commencing from 28 November 2011 and carriageway works will start in early January 2012.
What else do I need to know?
It will be necessary to close parts of the road at times for the carriageway reconstruction work and resurfacing works. There will be no road closures before Christmas. Pedestrian access to both the street and premises will be maintained at all times, with restricted vehicle access.
During these times buses and through traffic will be diverted along Camden Street. Bayham Street will be temporarily made two-way to facilitate local access. Advance warning signs will be put up prior to these works and the diversion routes fully signed.
In order to keep disruption and inconvenience to a minimum, and following discussions with London Buses, there will also be 4-5 nights of night working, advance warning signs will also be put out to notify of these dates.
Hours of Work
Monday to Friday 08:00hrs – 17:00hrs
Saturday 08:00hrs – 13:00hrs
Night working 22:00hrs – 05:00hrs
Our highways contractor FM Conway will be carrying out the works. Due the unpredictable nature of the weather and any unforeseen circumstances, the works may take longer than programmed.
Suspending parking bays
It will also be necessary to suspend parking bays in the vicinity of the works as they progress, to ensure the contractor has adequate working space. Please observe these suspensions, which will be advertised on site in advance, to avoid unnecessary delays to the completion of the works.
Vehicles that do not comply with the parking restrictions will be removed to a vehicle compound at Regis Road, NWS, Tel. No. 020 7974 4797, and the nearest underground station is Kentish Town.
The contractor will endeavour to keep to the programme, weather permitting, but your cooperation is essential in keeping the work areas clear of parked vehicles at all times so as not to hinder the progress of the remedial works.
I would like to apologise in advance for any inconvenience that may occur as a result of these essential works and assure you that every effort will be made to keep disruption to a minimum. Should you have any special delivery / access requirements, queries or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact Diljeet Singh on the above telephone number.
Yours faithfully,
Diljeet Singh
Results of the public consultation undertaken
The consultation was undertaken to determine if there would be public support for the proposals. A total of 4,364 letters were distributed to local groups, residents, businesses, statutory organisations and Ward Councillors. The consultation period was from 28 July to 31 August 2011. There were a total of 245 completed questionnaires received which represents a response rate of 6%. The table below shows the results of the consultation.
Individuals |
Groups |
Yes |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
opinion |
opinion |
Do you agree with the |
144 |
56 |
43 |
3 |
0 |
1 |
proposal to allow |
cyclists to travel along |
58.3% |
22.7% |
17.4% |
1 .2% |
0.4% |
Plender Street in the |
opposite direction to |
traffic? |
Do you agree with the |
183 |
38 |
22 |
3 |
0 |
1 |
proposals to widen the |
footways on Plender |
74.1% |
15.4% |
8.9% |
1 .2% |
0.4% |
Street? |
Do you agree with the |
158 |
63 |
22 |
3 |
0 |
1 |
proposals to remove |
traffic signals on the |
64% |
25.5% |
8.9% |
1 .2% |
0.4% |
junction of Bayham |
— |
— – |
Street and Plender |
Street and introduce a |
new raised zebra |
crossing |
Do you agree with the |
146 |
33 |
64 |
3 |
0 |
1 |
proposed additional |
parking bays on Plender |
59.1% |
13.4% |
25.9% |
1 .2% |
0.4% |
Street? |
Do you agree with the |
187 |
33 |
23 |
3 |
0 |
1 |
proposal to move the |
zebra crossing from the |
75.7% |
13.4% |
9.3% |
1 .2% |
0.4% |
south side to the north |
side at the junction of |
Bayham and Pratt Street |
and raising the whole |
junction? |