There is no hot water on the Curnock Estate. The Emergency Repairs Team has been informed at 09:44am from a resident.
There were problems with the boilers yesterday as well due to a power failure.
More information below.
On 27-01-2012 we learned from the repairs team:
Due to power failure there were problems with the boilers. The contractor has been called.
On 28-01-2012 at 09:44am a resident informed the repairs team:
There is no hot water on the estate. The Emergency Repairs Team has called the contractor.
On 28-01-2012 at 13:15 we called the repairs team:
There is no update and they will try to contact the contractor again and give us a call in order to provide us with an update.
On 28-01-2012 at 13:39 the repairs team informed us that:
The contractor stated that everything is working on the boiler room.
On 29-01-2012 at 11:35 the repairs team informed us that:
There is an ongoing problem with the hot water. After the hot water is used the system can not heat the water back to the correct temperature.
The problem can not be fixed during the weekend.
The most current updates about this issue can be found at the following link: