The following letter was delivered by hand this morning to all the residents of the Curnock Estate.
The original document can be found on this link.
London Borough of Camden
Housing Repairs Service
Renewals Division
Bidborough House
20 Mabledon Place
London WC1H9BF
Tel: 02079741212
Fax: 020 7974 5371
Date 04/02/12
Dear Residents Curnock Estate
Re: Ongoing low hot water temperatures.
Please be advised that we are aware of the low hot water temperatures that you have suffered over the last week or so and we are trying to resolve this.
Our Partners Apollo have been fault finding on the system and in the boiler house all of this week in an attempt to improve the service. Works were carried out to descale the centrally stored hot water heaters earlier this week but the improvement in temperature recovery times was only minimal.
A specialist contractor has been booked for Monday to carry out further investigation of the flow rates through the hot water heaters and further works are already planned in the boiler house for next week. The boiler house will be monitored by Apollo engineers over the weekend to try to prevent any further deterioration of service and maintain heating.
We apologise for the inconvenience this has and is still causing and hope the disruption will be kept to a minimum.
Thank you for your co-operation in this matter. Should you have any further queries regarding this repair please contact the Repairs Service Contact Centre on 020 7974 1212, where we will be happy to assist you. Our opening hours are Monday – Friday between 8.00am and 6.00pm.
Yours sincerely,
Richard Michael
Mechanical Contract Manager
London Borough of Camden