We have informed today that: “The standard is for the temperature within one minute of opening the outlet to be 50º C.” Read more below:
Housing and adult social care
London Borough of Camden
38-50 Bidborough Street
London WC1H 9DB
Tel: 020 7974 4372
Email: peter.williams@camden.gov.uk
Fax 020 7974 6472
Date: 08 March 2012
Your Reference:
Our Reference: 7620739
Enquiries to: Peter Williams
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Thank you your request for information, received on 20 February 2012. You requested:
I would like to know the following under the FOI act:
1) What are the recorded daily hot water temperatures on the Curnock Estate for the last 4 months?
We are sorry to inform you that we do not hold this information. This is because the temperatures are not recorded on a daily basis.
2) What are the recorded daily hot water pressure on the Curnock Estate?
We are sorry to inform you that we do not hold this information. This is because the hot water pressures are not recorded on a daily basis.
3) What should be the temperature of the hot water supply to the outlet/tap within 1 minute after fully opening the outlet? Are there any standards or regulations such as HSE Document L8 about this? What are those documents/standards stating?
The standard is for the temperature within one minute of opening the outlet to be 50º C.
We hope that the information is useful to you.
1) No Hot Water on the Estate (3 Days) – REF: 1287090/1, 1287224/1 and 1287143
2) Hot Water Temperature Log
3) We are not alone in suffering – No Hot Water or Heating at the Holly Lodge Estate
4) Hot Water Problems on the Curnock Estate
3) Official Complaint Against Mr Wheatman (Interim Team Leader M&E Repairs and Improvements)
5) Offical Complaint about Low Hot Water Temperatures
6) Ongoing Low Hot Water Temperatures
7) More Boiler Failures due to Lack of Maintenance
8) Hot Water Issues will be hopefully fixed by 12th April 2012
9) A New Plant Has Been Ordered!!
10) Cost Of The First Components Plus Labour Cost
11) The Temperature within one minute of opening the outlet should be 50º C
12) Works Have Started But ONLY Few Have Been Informed