All Residents, Other, Projects & Planning

Consultation on Redevelopment Proposals

Consultation on redevelopment proposals for 30 Camden Street, Plender Street, Bayham Place and the Richard Cobden School playground - July 2012The following letter and documents were sent to all the residents of the estate. The documents are related to the consultation regarding the redevelopment proposals for 30 Camden Street, Plender Street, Bayham Place and the Richard Cobden School playground. Please read more information below:


London Borough of Camden
Property Services Division
2nd Floor
Town Hall Extension
Argyle Street
London WC1H8NG

Tel: 020 7974 1547
Fax: 020 7974 4011


Date: 18 July 2012

Dear Resident,

Re: Consultation on redevelopment proposals for 30 Camden Street, Plender Street, Bayham Place and the Richard Cobden School playground

As part of our Community Investment Programme, Camden Council is consulting on redevelopment proposals for 30 Camden Street, Plender Street, Bayham Place and the Richard Cobden School playground.

The consultation starts on Monday 16 July and finishes on Friday 5 October 2012. Please find a consultation document and feedback form attached. You can complete the form and return it to us in the Freepost enveloped provided – no stamp is required.

The consultation document and feedback form is available for completion on online – please visit our website at

You can also attend a drop in session on one of the following dates to view a model of the proposals, speak to an officer and provide your views:

Wednesday 18 July 2012, 6.30pm to 8.00pm
Richard Cobden Primary School, 1 Camden Street, London, NW1 OLL

Tuesday 14 August 2012, 9.30am to 11.00am
Dr Shina’s GP surgery, 67 Plender Street, London, NW1 OLB

Thursday 13 September 2012, 6.30pm to 8.00pm ~
St Pancras Community Centre, 30 Camden Street, London, NW1 OLG

The feedback form must be returned by no later than Friday 5 October 2012. We very much hope you will take part in this consultation and have you say.

Yours sincerely,

Fiona Mckeith
Project Manager

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