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The following letter was sent to the leaseholders of the Curnock Estate. The original document can be found on this link.
The full summary of all observations received by Camden and the responses given to leaseholders can be found here. |
London Borough of Camden
Leaseholder Services
Ground Floor
Bidborough House
38-50 Bidborough Street
London WC1H 9DB
Telephone: 020 7974 5107
Fax: 020 7974 3929
Web: www.camden.gov.uk
Date: 8th November 2012
Your reference:
Our reference: 11/096 Day-to-Day Repairs
Contact: 0207 974 5107
Camden Street
Dear Leaseholder,
Notice of Intention to enter into a Qualifying Long Term Agreement for Day-to-Day Repairs to London Borough of Camden’s Housing Stock
Property Address:
Camden Street,
London NW1
Please find enclosed your second stage Notice of Proposal regarding The Council’s intention to enter into a long term agreement with a contractor for the provision of day-to-day repairs to the Council’s housing stock.
We ask that you take some time to read this letter and the enclosed documents as they contain important information for you.
How will this Proposal Affect Me?
The selected contractor will respond to the future day-to-day repairs, including major communal repairs, required to your property, block or estate. You may be required to contribute towards the cost of these works in accordance with the terms of your lease.
If your contribution towards any one item of work is less than £250 then it will be charged in your next actual service charge invoice. However, if your estimated contribution towards any one item of work should exceed £250 then the Council will consult you by way of a Schedule 3 Notice at that time. This notice will give you the opportunity to make observations regarding the work before it proceeds. You will be then invoiced separately for this work.
Should you have any questions regarding this letter, please do not hesitate to contact Leaseholder Services using the above contact details.
Yours sincerely,
Jo O’Donnell
Consultation and Final Account Principal
Section 151 Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act 2002 – Schedule 2
To all leaseholders residing on the estates and properties within the London Borough of Camden and their respective Recognised Tenants Associations:
Preparation of Landlord’s Proposal:
This notice is given pursuant to the Notice of Intention, issued on 22nd November 2011 to enter into a long-term agreement for the provision of day-to-day repairs, also known as reactive repairs.
Camden proposes to enter into a long-term agreement with a contractor for a period of 5 years, with a break option at year 3 and possible extensions of 1 year each up to a maximum of 10 years, for the provision of day-to-day repairs to the Council’s housing stock.
Summary of Tenders:
Camden has obtained estimates by means of competitive tendering, the financial details of which have been summarised below. The tenders have been evaluated on a ratio of 60% price to 40% quality. The quality assessment consisted of seven method statement headings and only tenders that achieved a score of at least 60% under each heading were taken forward to have their price and quality score evaluated. The method statement headings included health and safety, delivering reactive repairs, delivering major repairs and organisational management.
Please note that due to the size of the price list contained within tender returns, prices appear in the table below as estimated consolidated totals. Each tender document can be inspected at the drop-in-session detailed below, where you can also ask questions relating to these estimates from Camden staff.
This contract was advertised in the Official Journal of the European Union which allowed every major construction company within the European Union an opportunity to express an interest in submitting a tender. Agreements will not be entered into until the statutory consultation has been completed and Camden have given due regard to all observations received within the observation period.
The invitation to tender was prepared in line with the procurement strategy agreed by the Council’s Cabinet in January 2012. It included the following packages of work:
– Day to day reactive repairs in the Holborn district (the other districts to be covered by the in house Right First Time repair teams)
– Communal repairs, including those above £250 per unit, raised by the repairs service boroughwide
– Works to void properties boroughwide
The Price List completed by tenderers in their tender submissions will be utilised for the duration of the Contract to determine the amount due for payment.
The following are the main components that have been individually priced by tenderers on the Price List:
Communal repairs including those above £250 per unit- boroughwide
• Roofing including guttering and chimneys
• Building structural repairs including, walls, rendering, facia, cladding and pipework
• Decoration
• Cold water storage tanks
• Windows and doors
• Scaffolding
• Asbestos removal and related works
• Additional works (not included above) priced through a percentage adjustment applied to the National Housing Federation (NHF) Schedule of Rates (V6.1)
• Project level preliminaries
Voids works – boroughwide
(only external/ communal costs are chargeable to leaseholders)
• The basket rate for achieving the minimum lettable standard
• Baskets rates for kitchens, bathrooms, heating renewal and internal wiring
• Additional works (not included above) priced through a percentage adjustment applied to the National Housing Federation (NHF) Schedule of Rates (V6.1)
Day to day reactive repairs — Holborn district only
• Prices for labour, equipment, plant and materials
Service wide costs
• Preliminaries
• Central overheads
• Profit
Proposed Temderer
Linbrook Services Ltd.
Franklin House,
23 Crown Road,
EN1 1FE,
Other Tenderers Taken Forward to Final Evaluation
Willmott Dixon Partnerships Ltd.
4 Portmill Lane,
The estimated cost for day to day reactive repairs (Holborn) was established through tendered rates for a range of operatives and a list of commonly used materials.
The cost of a day to day reactive repair will consist of the time and materials used on the individual job. This calculated from the tendered figures for an operative’s hourly rates and the tendered material costs. To this would be added the tendered percentage for profit and a percentage of the service wide preliminaries and overheads.
The estimated cost for communal repairs, including those above £250 per unit, was based on quantities of work applied to fixed tendered sums for individual items. The cost model contained a wide range of component types to make sure that the Council has a comprehensive price list.
The cost of individual communal repairs, including those above £250 per unit, will be made up of the tendered price for a particular item and any specific tendered costs for project based preliminaries. To this would be added the tendered percentage for profit and a percentage of the service wide preliminaries and overheads.
The estimated cost for voids was made up from the estimated number of empty homes each year applied to a tendered cost per property. The tendered sum also includes basket rates for common replacement items such as renewal of heating, internal wiring, kitchen or bathroom.
Actual expenditure through the contract will vary in line with the amount of work issued to the contractor. As a guide, it is estimated that total expenditure across the above service areas will range between £7.5m and £9.5m per annum up to a maximum specified in the OJEU notice of approximately £14m per annum.
Due to the size and complexity of the cost model and price list it has not been possible to include it within this document; however, the full breakdown will be available for viewing at the meeting on 22nd November 2012 as detailed below.
Following the OJEU notice, twelve companies submitted compliant pre-qualification questionnaires which met the criteria, of these three were invited to submit tenders.
A detailed evaluation process took place including site visits and analysis of method statements. At the end of this process, Willmott Dixon and Linbrook Services had their price and quality scores taken forward to final evaluation as they met or exceeded the 60% quality threshold under each heading.
Following the final evaluation of quality and price, Linbrook Services Ltd achieved the highest score and their tender was deemed to be the most economically advantageous tender.
Camden therefore proposes to enter into contract with Linbrook Services Ltd for day-to-day repairs, including major communal repairs, across the London Borough of Camden.
Summary of Stage 1 Observations:
Observations received from leaseholders and Recognised Tenants Associations in relation to Camden’s Notice of Intention and Camden’s responses to these, are summarised in full on Camden’s website. To view these please visit the following link.
In addition the most common questions received in written observations are summarised on the enclosed document ‘Appendix 1: Summary of Stage 1 Observations’.
Right to Inspect Camden’s Proposals:
You are invited to inspect all relevant documents at
The Camden Centre,
Bidborough Street,
London WC1H 9AU,
on 22nd November 2012,
between the hours of 4pm and 8pm.
We now invite you to make written observations in relation to this proposal by sending them to:
Jo O’Donnell
Leaseholder Services
Ground Floor
Bidborough House
38-50 Bidborough Street
London WC1H9DB
or by emailing: capitalservices@camden.gov.uk quoting 11/096
Observations must be made within the consultation period of 30 days from the date of this notice. The consultation period will end on 10th December 2012 and all observations should be received by this date.
Signed on behalf of Camden as landlord:
Leaseholder Services
8th November 2012
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