The following letter was sent to all residents of the estate. The document is related to proposed changes on Bayham and Plender Streets. The original document can be found here. Please read more information below: |
Scheme Ref: TS/DT/BD/Bayham/CDNB7220
Important- Public Consultation
This is your opportunity to comment on the Council’s plans This is a postal and on-line consultation
December 2012
Bayham Street & Plender Street
New Zebra Crossings, Footway widening, cycle hire docking
station and trader bay parking changes
Following the recent removal of the traffic signals at the above junction we are now seeking your views on the Council’s proposals to provide further improvements to this junction. When the scheme was completed officers visited the junction a number of times to see how the junction is now working and whether additional improvements could be useful.
We have also received some feedback from local residents and councillors on this new layout; some preferred the traffic signals as they allow pedestrians to cross all arms of the junction using the push button system making traffic come to a stop. Others like the new layout as the recently introduced raised zebra crossing on Bayham Street allows them to cross more frequently as they do not have to wait for the signals to change.
Following discussions with local residents and Councillors, we feel that we can improve the pedestrian experience by providing additional zebra crossings (raised so that speed of drivers is reduced on approach) on both sides of Plender Street and narrow Bayham Street on approach to the existing zebra crossing so that pedestrians only have to watch for traffic in one lane when crossing. In addition we want to improve the market area on Plender Street further for both visitors to the market and the businesses by moving away trader parking bays to nearby Bayham Street and change the hours of these bays to make more efficient use of the bays. Finally, in order to meet the demands of cycling, we are proposing to provide a cycle hire station along Bayham Street.
The main benefits of the scheme include reducing vehicle speeds along Bayham Street and Plender Street enabling pedestrians to cross both these roads in comfort and with improved safety. The scheme will also provide additional parking for new market traders on Bayham Street making better use of the recent market area improvements.
The proposed changes are indicated on the drawing overleaf and include the following:
* Reallocation of parking bays on Plender Street; » New Cycle Hire Docking Station;
* Footway buildout to narrow Bayham Street crossing just before its junction with Plender Street.
* Addition of two new raised zebra crossings on Plender Street
* 35m of new trader bay
It is hoped that by reducing the number of lanes on Bayham Street on the approach to Plender Street that vehicle speeds will be reduced and that this will complement the recent traffic calming works at the junction of Pratt Street and Plender Street. The road width will still be wide enough for a bus to pass a cyclist and as Bayham Street retains two lanes on the approach to the junction with Crowndale Road no delays are expected.
If the proposals are agreed works will be carried between Feb 2013 and June 2013.
The Council would be pleased to hear your views on the proposed measures. Details on how to respond to this consultation are included.
This is your opportunity to comment
We need your views as this consultation exercise is intended to find out if there is broad public support for the proposals set out in this leaflet.
Please send your response by 18th January 2013 to: London Borough of Camden, Culture and Environment Directorate, Transport Strategy Service, FREEPOST RLZH-UEYC-ACZZ, London, WC1H 8EQ. Please note no stamp is required and only ONE reply per household, business or organisation will be accepted. Alternatively, you can send your response by email to brian.deegan(o) You must give your postal address if you want us to consider your views.
While it will not be possible to reply to you individually, all comments will be taken into account. The Assistant Director of Environment and Transport will make a decision whether or not to proceed with the scheme and you will be informed of the outcome of this consultation and the Council’s decision within three months, where possible.
Details of this consultation are also available on the Council’s website,
Under the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, we may not treat your response confidentially, as it will be available for public inspection. Please only write to us about the consultation issue. If you want to comment on any other matter, please use a separate letter.
Who is being consulted?
The following are being consulted: All properties within the consultation area outlined on the plan, Local and Statutory Groups, Emergency Services and Ward Councillors.
If you would like further information then please contact the following:
Brian Deegan
Design Engineer
Transport Strategy Service
London Borough of Camden
Tel: 020 7974 8710
Simi Shah
Design Team Manager
Transport Strategy Service
London Borough of Camden
Tel: 020 7974 2066