All Residents, Caretaking, Refuse

Leaving Items/Rubbish outside your flat

Catrash-can-clip-artmden Town District Housing Office
London Borough of Camden
Camden Town Hall
Judd Street
London WC1H9JE
Tel 020 7974 4444
Fax 020 7974 6487
Textlink 0207 974 6866

Date: Wednesday 25 March 2015

Your Reference:
Our Reference: HASC/HM/CT/AA

Enquiries to: Amran Ahmed

Residents of 1-34Goldthorpe Camden Street London NW1 OHH
Dear Residents

Leaving Items/Rubbish outside your flat

I write to inform you that the District Housing Office received complaints from the Caretaking Service and neighbours about items and rubbish left outside some residents flat. I have also witnessed bags of rubbish outside resident’s front door.

This is a major health and safety issue. Therefore, please clear up the items and any rubbish immediately and please put in the rubbish bins located on the ground floor. Please refrain from putting any further items and rubbish anywhere in the block apart from the bins provided.
Failure to comply will result in the items being removed and destroyed by the Council. The Council will also charge you for the entire costs the clearance.
I hope that the above clearly sets out the reason for our concerns which may result in enforcement actions against you, putting your tenancy at risk. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you wish to discuss the matter further on 020 7974 4444.
Thank you for your cooperation.

Yours sincerely
Amran Ahmed Housing Officer

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