All Residents, Security

Antisocial Behaviour


The original file can be found here

July 2015

To residents of the Curnock estate

With the warmer weather we ail like to open windows and doors more than at other times. When we do this we can make ourselves more vulnerable to intruders

The following are some tips on helping to keep your home secure:

– Avoid leaving windows open in rooms that you are not using (even when you are in the home) and when you go out check that you have closed all windows and locked them securely.

– Make sure that you do not leave doors open unattended. Also make sure that even when you are at home you double lock the front door from inside.

– Don’t let burglars have easy access to your home

– Keep an eye out for your neighbours too. If you think that someone is leaving themselves vulnerable think about checking they are ok, and if you have an immediate concern contact the police on 101 or Camden Council on 020 7974 4444.

Reporting crime and anti-social behaviour – You can make a Difference

– Call 999 to report a crime that is taking place or about to take place

– The police number for non-emergencies is 101 (24 hours)

– The Police Safer Neighbourhood Team can be contacted on 020 8721 2810 or email StPancras.SomersTown.SNT(a)

– Crime Stoppers-anonymous crime reporting – 0800 555111

– Housing Security and Parks Patrol (including CCTV) – operates every day and can witness activity, intervene, or contact the police and report back to the Housing Officer on 020 7974 4444

– Community Safety (including Community Wardens, Community Interventions and Community Audit) to report issues around antisocial behaviour on 020 7974 4444

– If you have been affected by a dog related incident please contact the Dog Hub by emailing the You can find out more about the Dog Hub services by visiting

– Become a Safety Views volunteer and get your views heard – call 020 7383 0000 or email

– Camden Safety Net the Independent Domestic & Sexual Violence Advisory Service – 020 7974 2526, operates 9am- 5pm weekdays offers information, support and practical safety interventions to people experiencing domestic and/or sexual abuse

– To report rough sleeping and other street activity including begging or street drinking
please call 0808 8000005 or download the reporting App by visiting

– Camden Town District Housing Office on 020 7974 4444 Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm)

Thank you – Camden Community Safety Partnership

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