Curnock Street Estate
Dear Resident,
Recently members of the public and councillors have contacted us about increasing levels of fly tipping taking place in and around the Curnock Street Estate.
Not only is fly tipping unsightly and sometimes hazardous, it is also an offence under the Environmental Protection Act 1990. All residents on Curnock Street Estate have bin areas for household refuse and recycling. These are located throughout the estate for residents of the estate to use. If you are unsure of where your bin store is please contact your Estate services Supervisor Gary Nicholls at /02079748057/ 07958240552
Bulky items such as mattresses, furniture and appliances require special arrangements for removal. This service can be booked via on the Rubbish & Recycling pages. Alternatively you can call 020 7974 4444. These types of items must also be brought to the bin stores or bin areas and left in a manner which does not obstruct access to the bins.
Leaving waste anywhere other than the bin areas is considered fly tipping. Fly tipping is an offence which if proven carries a possibility of prosecution through a Magistrates Court. The maximum penalties for fly tipping on summary conviction are a £50,000 fine and/or twelve months’ imprisonment. Fly tipping is also considered a breach of your tenancy agreement and may be deemed as anti-social behavior which could result in the use of tenancy interventions and /or legislations affecting your tenancy.
We have also received an increasing number of concerns regarding dog fouling on the estate. This is very unpleasant for residents and also carries a risk of parasitic infection which can cause blindness. Camden’s Environment Services team will be carrying out enforcement exercises on the estate with the aim of identifying dog owners who fail to clear up after their dog. Failure to clear up dog fouling is an offence and may result in a Fixed Penalty Notice for £80 or a fine in the Magistrates Court of up to £1000.
We encourage any person who witnesses a fly tipping or dog fouling offence, to pass any useful information to Camden Council via our website, email:, or by calling 0207 974 4444. We will treat all information you provide in the strictest confidence. We also have the use of CCTV to help identify people who commit these offences on this estate.
When providing this information please give as much information as possible, especially: Date of incident / Time / Location / Description of suspects/dogs / Vehicle details etc.
Yours Faithfully
Education and Enforcement Team – London Borough of Camden
Read the original newsletter here: Fly Tipping And Dog Fouling – April 2016