Bills/Charges, Central Heating, Communal Services, Leaseholders, Major Works

The cost for boiler works has doubled!

Further to the Section 20 Notice issued to you on 1st November 2012, please note that in accordance with Section 20B of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985, (as amended), the Council wishes to inform you that it has currently incurred costs regarding the Boiler House Refurbishment and Associated Works.

Leaseholder Services Camden Town Hall
Judd Street London
Tel: 02079744611

Date: 20th December 2016
Your reference:
Our reference: 12/209
Officer: Olayinka Odedele 0207 974 2248

Dear Leaseholders)

Please find enclosed your Section 20B Notice under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 (as amended).

Please note this is not an invoice or a demand for payment.

The contract this notice refers to is to Carry out Boiler House Refurbishment and Associated Works.

A brief summary of the works included in this contract:

  • Refurbishment of Boilers
  • Refurbishment of Plant Room Equipment
  • Refurbishment of Boiler House

The original estimated cost for this contract was £ 466,447.19.

The purpose of this notice is to advise you of the contract cost incurred to date by Camden and your block apportionment of these costs. Where the contract is ongoing and further costs are incurred you will receive additional notices.

Please note that the amount spent, relates to all of the blocks within the contract, and not just your block. I have listed the properties involved in the contract below:

  • 1-22 Barnbrough (Cons)
  • 1-18 Billingley (Cons)
  • 1-9 Conisborough (Cons)
  • 1-18 Darfield (Cons)
  • 1-34Goldthorpe(Cons)
  • 1-20 Hickleton (Cons)
  • 1-10 Marr (Cons)
  • 1-66 Mexborough (Cons)
  • 1-18 Ravenscar (Cons)
  • 1-18 Thurnscoe (Cons)
  • 1-32Trimdon(Cons)
  • 1-18 Warmsworth (Cons)

Yours sincerely

Oiayinka Odedele
Consultation and Final Accounts Officer

Leaseholder Services Camden Town Hall
Judd Street London

Tel: 02079744611

Date: 20th December 2016
Your reference:
Our reference: 12/209
Officer: Olayinka Odedele 02079742248

Notice under Section 20B Landlord and Tenant Act 1985(As amended)

Contract Name: Boiler House Refurbishment and Associated Works.

Further to the Section 20 Notice issued to you on 1st November 2012, please note that in accordance with Section 20B of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985, (as amended), the Council wishes to inform you that it has currently incurred costs of:-

Total Contract costs incurred £947,010.12

Block name: 1-34 Goldthorpe (Cons)

Block costs incurred £129,340.44

Please note, that the Total Contract Costs Incurred’ figure includes Major Works Indirect Cost, which is based on the cost of delivering the major works service.

This figure is provided to you for information purposes only. It is not an additional invoice or a demand for payment. It is only to advise you of the cost incurred to date in relation to the contract.

As set out in your original Section 20 Notice, you will be required under the terms of your lease to contribute to these relevant costs by the payment of a service charge, along with any supervision and indirect costs relating to the scheme.

Yours sincerely

Olayinka Odedele
Consultation and Final Accounts Officer

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