Site Office
79 Holmes Road
London NWS SAP
17 February 2017
Ref: Camden Spring Clean
Dear Resident,
RE: Camden Spring Clean Installation of New Front Entrance Doors
We are writing to inform you that we will be installing new front entrance doors week beginning Monday 27 February 2017.
We will write to you again to make an appointment to install your new flat entrance door to your property, at a time that is convenient for you.
Please be aware that these works will take place between 8:OOAM, and 4:OOPM.
Safe methods of working are always used. Wates staff will be present on site but, if you are unsure about anything, please do not hesitate to contact myself as first port of call using the details below or the site manager if I am unavailable.
Mai Khalil
Resident Liaison Officer
Wates Living Space
Tel: 07702 155 233
Tom Keegan
Site Manager
Wates Living Space
Tel: 07850 536 371
We will endeavour to keep any disruption to a minimum and apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused during these works.
Yours sincerely
Mai Khalil
Resident Liaison Officer
Wates Living Space
The original letter can be found here