Leaseholders, Notices

Long Term Agreement for the supply of electricity

Leaseholder Services
London Borough of Camden
Camden Town Hall
Judd Street

28th November 2017

Contract Ref: 17/008
Property Ref:
Enquiries to: Leaseholder Services

Dear Leaseholder(s),

Re: Long Term Agreement for the supply of electricity

I am writing to inform you that Camden proposes to enter into a long-term agreement in respect of which we are required to consult leaseholders. The first stage of the consultation is to issue a notice of intention, which explains details of the service to be provided, see attached notice.

Due to the nature of the energy market, the council will not be able to comply with all the consultation requirements and will apply the First Tier Tribunal (property chamber) for a dispensation against the regulations we cannot comply with. You will be able to access information about the dispensation on the council’s website. The application will be available to view together with all orders made by the Tribunal: services/I am a leaseholder/ – details will be under the section “Borough wide section 151 consultations”.

You can also request information on the dispensation. Please direct any queries to or write to us at the above address.

Yours sincerely

Mike Edmunds
Head of Leaseholder Services

NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ENTER INTO A QUALIFYING LONG TERM AGREEMENT (Section 20 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 (as amended) (“the Act”) and Schedule 2 of the Service Charges (Consultation Requirements) (England) Regulations 2003 (“the Regulations”).

Dear Leaseholder(s),

Qualifying long term agreement relating to the supply of electricity

I am writing to inform you that the London Borough of Camden (‘the Council’), as your landlord, proposes to enter into a long term agreement (“the Agreement”) in respect of which we are required to consult leaseholders, details of which are given below.

1. Introduction

The Council is planning to enter into what the Act and the Regulations call “qualifying long term agreements” (“QLTAs”). These are agreements, which last for more than 12 months and concern services to be carried out in relation to the building or estate in which you are a leaseholder.

2. General Description of the service to be provided

Supply of Electricity
The service to be provided under the agreement is the supply of electricity for the common parts, for example supplying lighting and lifts across Camden’s housing estates within the London Borough of Camden via Non Half Hourly Meters. These are electricity meters, which do not automatically read consumption every half an hour. The profile class for these meters are 01-04 (quarterly billed).

3. Reasons for considering it necessary to enter into the Agreement

The Council considers it necessary to enter into the Agreement for the following reasons. As your landlord, the Council has to meet certain obligations under your lease. Camden needs to be able to supply electricity to the common parts to ensure lighting and lifts operate. The Non Half Hourly supplies are low use and low value.

We intend to enter into a “Fixed Term Fixed Price” contract for these low value supplies because it will provide cost certainty to residents. The supplies are currently procured using an identical “Fixed Term Fixed Price” contract approach so the overall impact on residents will be minimal.

4. Observations

You are invited to make written observations in relation to the proposed agreement. If you wish to do this, you must send them to this office in writing, to be received within 30 days from the date of this notice. All observations must be received by the 4th January 2018. Observations should be sent to the following address:

Mike Edmunds (Head of Leaseholder Services)
Leaseholders Services
London Borough of Camden
Camden Town Hall
Judd Street
Email and include the contract reference
17/008 (communal electricity supplies) and (Property Ref) in the email subject field.

5. Reasons why the Council is not inviting nominations from leaseholders

The reason why you are not invited to propose a person from whom we should try to obtain an estimate is because this contract is being procured through an existing framework where public notice has already been served.

7. Cost of the services

As a leaseholder, you will only be liable for a proportionate part of any costs incurred in relation to your estate or block under the Agreement.

Yours sincerely

(On behalf of the London Borough of Camden)
Mike Edmunds
Head of Leaseholder Services

Read the original file here: LTA Electricity Nov 2017


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