Community Fibre knows how to upset people and especially their potential future customers. As we have explain in a previous article, community fibre has installed their cables on the wrong side of the buildings which means that the router for the internet has to be on the corridor, toilet or kitchen. All those areas are unsuitable for different reasons. Toilet does not have power socket, kitchen’s moisture from cooking is a killer for modems (especially fibre optic ones), corridor installation means the drilling of three doors and a modem on the ceiling.
The engineer suggested to pass the cable to the other side of the building over the roof. Apparently they have permission to do that. We have already asked clarification about this from the council but we are strongly believe that not to be the case. The main reason will be health and safety, the problem of hundreds of cables all over the roof, etc
The community fibre engineer wanted us to sign the contract FIRST and then send the engineer to find out if the cable can go over the roof! This alone raises alarm bells. Never sign anything unless the company agrees to do certain things in writing.