All Residents, Other

Sir Keir Stammer supports the deselection of our Cllrs!

The leadership of the Labour party in total disregard of Camden voters decided to backup the deselection of our supportive councillors and replace them with YES men substitutes. This decision shows clearly that Labour party has its own agenda with developers and does not want any of their members to ask any sensitive questions about luxury flats or anything that will make residents lives better.

The councillors who applied to stand but were deselected by Labour party are:

  1. Leo Cassarani,
  2. Maryam Eslamdoust,
  3. Thomas Gardiner Simon Pearson,
  4. Roger Robinson,
  5. Ranjit Singh,
  6. Paul Tomlinson


By voting for the substitute Cllrs you are supporting a system that does not want to answer any sensitive questions.


Read the CNJ article here: