Camden Council has published the meeting notes for the last DMC meeting that was held on the 09th March 2022. Please find the relevant documents below:
A very interesting part of the notes can be found below:
Councillors Roger Robinson and Paul Tomlinson
The Chair advised the meeting that this would be the final meeting that both Councillors Roger Robinson and Paul Tomlinson would be attending in their roles as Councillor Observers, as they were both not standing for election in the Council elections in May. She wished to put on record the DMCs appreciation for their role in supporting the DMC and the local community’s issues and concerns, even against the Council. Though both were not standing for election in May, they were for different reasons. Councillor Roger Robinson would be retiring after a long and illustrious career on the Council and serving the local area, but for Councillor Paul Tomlinson this was different because he had been de-selected.
The DMC wished to thank both Councillors and wished them well for the future. The DMC also wished to express their sadness, disappointed and concern in the way Councillor Paul Tomlinson had been treated in his de-selection. Jim Ward (Ampthill Square TRA) stated that he could no longer remain a DMC representative and would resign as he felt that the Council did not listen to the DMC and rode roughshod over their concerns.
The DMC also expressed its concern at the lack of attendance at DMC meeting by Councillors from Regents Park Ward.
Document copies on our site: