Bills/Charges, Leaseholders

Long Term Agreement for the supply of Electricity and Gas

Leaseholder Services
London Borough of Camden
Camden Town Hall
Judd Street
020 7974 4444

Long Term Agreement for the supply of Electricity & Gas

I am writing to Inform you that Camden proposes to enter into long-term agreements in respect of which we are required to consult leaseholders.

The first stage of the consultation is to issue a Notice of Intention which explains details of the service to be provided. Please refer to the enclosed notice.

Due to the nature of the energy market, the council will not be able to comply with all the consultation requirements and has applied to the First Tier Tribunal (property chamber) for dispensation from the regulations we cannot comply with. You can access information about the dispensation application, including a copy of our statement of case, supporting documents and the Tribunal’s directions from the council’s website:

Please visit, then choose the `housing’ icon, under `Leaseholders and Freeholders’ click on `Consultation with Leaseholders on Building Works and services’, at the top of this page choose `Boroughwide consultations’. And any information or documents for this dispensation will be shown under the following heading;

`Current Consultations
First Tier Tribunal Dispensation Application Oct 2022 – Long Term Agreement for the supply of electricity and gas (notices and all documents)’

Or you can type the following link into your browser;

lf you wish to participate in this action then the Tribunal’s directions require you to file a response form by 3rd December 2022.

If you wish to receive a printed copy of this application and directions please write to us to request this, by emailing and include the contract reference 22/005 and your property address and – ‘ in the email subject field.

Please note that as the application progresses additional documents will be added to Camden’s website, including the final decision.

You can also request further information on the dispensation. Please direct any queries to caDitalservlces® or write to us at the above address.

Yours sincerely,

Geraldine Littlechild
Acting Heed of Leaseholder Services

• Statutory Notice of Intention
• Observation Form
• Reply Form for raising objections to the Tribunal
• Frequently Asked Questions

See file here: Long Term Agreement for the supply of Electricity and Gas

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