All Residents, Other

Camden Town DHO Closure

Camden Town DHO ClosureThe following letter was sent to the residents of the Curnock Estate.

The original document can be found on this link.

Contact Camden (face-to-face reception]
Camden Town Hall Extension
Argyle Street
London WC1H8NJ
Phone: 020 7974 4444
Textphone: 020 7974 6866

Important Information enclosed regarding the Camden Town DHO Closure

Dear resident,

Camden Town district housing office

As from Monday 1 August, Camden Town district housing office will no longer operate a reception service at the Crowndale Centre.

All Camden Town housing enquiries will be dealt with at our new Contact Camden reception on the ground floor of the Town Hall Extension building on Argyle Street (near Kings Cross). You will also be able to make enquiries about other Council services at the same time. Alternatively you can telephone our contact centre – Contact Camden on 020 7974 4444.

Replacement keys and fobs will not be held at the Contact Camden reception. These can now be ordered in advance from our telephony contact centre on 020 7974 4444 and delivered to you by post or may be collected from the Town Hall Extension reception by appointment -usually on the next day.

You will still be able to see your local estate officer at the Crowndale Centre, but only by prior appointment. If you want to book an appointment with your estate officer or have any further enquiries please telephone Contact Camden on 020 7974 4444.

Walk in housing surgeries within the area, where you can meet with your estate officer, will soon be available at some libraries and other Camden buildings. The location and times for these will be advertised on our website

Our libraries provide many services including free phone and internet access to Camden services. Visit to find your nearest library location.

For more information regarding the changes please visit

Yours faithfully,

Jackie Smyth
Head of Housing Services (East)
For further information:
020 7974 4444

We now have one telephone number to make it easier for you to keep in touch.

By phone: Contact Camden, 8am – 6pm, 020 7979 4444

For the following services:
Housing repairs
Rent enquiries
Estate parking
Replacement keys and fobs
Estate cleaning
Payment line
Registrars’ services
Electoral services
Pest control
Anti social behaviour
Housing options advice and support

Reception: at Contact Camden Town Hall Extension, Argyle Street.

Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm, for:

Camden Town district housing office
Council tax
Housing options advice and support
Pest control
Public protection
Land charges

Many of Camden’s services are offered online please visit

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