Hot Spot 1 Mexborough House

Problems with prostitution and drugs have been reported.

People come and use the area in front of Mexborough House for sex and drugs. They particularly go down the stairs in front of the Refuse Room which is not in use for many years.


Prostitution Prostitution Prostitution
Prostitution Prostitution
A quick fix would be for the
council to block the access
of those individuals who does
not live on the estate. This
can be done easily by
installing a metal mesh
(please check the picture
above). This solution has
been implemented with great
success on Goldthorpe House.
Curnock Estate's Hot Spots


30-07-2007 Today, Camden Council sent a letter to every resident stated that:”Following discussion of a number of possible improvements with residents,
we are now in a position to implement a number of improvements to the
external areas of Curnock Street Estate.”

One of the proposed works was to close up the disused stairwell close to
the main steps to Mexborough.

23-01-2008 The works for covering the unused stairs in front of Mexborough have been started today.