All Residents, Council Tenants, Improvements, Leaseholders, Private Tenants, Projects & Planning, Security

Works Have Started

Yesterday, the council’s contractors started the preparation works for the installation of the new fencing and gates on the Curnock Street Estate.

The fence behind Warmsworth will be moved forward so it aligns with the end of the Flat 18 Warmworth’s patio.

At some point later in this month the preparation works for the gates between Goldthorpe and Barnborough will start in order to block the path between those buildings. The purpose of this project is to reduce ASB in our estate and stop non residents for using our estate for ASB activities or as a shortcut between Pratt Street and Camden Street.

We will update you as soon as we have more information.


  1. Hi
    Just asking, is the charge for the new gates or the length of time it is going to take to put in the new gates.
    As out side Barnbrough they have dug four holes and vanished for eight days, we checked the holes in case they fell in, but all good no casualties.
    They appeared again thismorning and worked up untill 12.30pm. (WE DIDN’T WANT TO MAKE ANY NOISE INCASE WE WOKE THEM UP AFTER THERE LUNCH).

  2. We are expecting a more detailed update from the council regarding these works. We will update this article as soon as we have more information.