All Residents, Council Tenants, Leaseholders, Other, Private Tenants, Security

Man found with stab wound in St Martin’s Garden

London Borough of Camden
5 Pancras Square


Date: 12th April 2024

Dear Resident,

We are deeply saddened by the tragic incident that led to the death of Mark Carroll in St Martin’s Gardens on 10th April 2024. All our thoughts are with those affected by this incident including the deceased, their family and friends, witnesses, and wider community members.

We understand the distressing nature of such events, and the safety of the Camden community remains our utmost priority. As the police investigation continues, we are committed to supporting those impacted by the incident. In partnership with the Neighbourhood Policing Team, our Community Safety Enforcement Officers will be conducting additional high visibility reassurance patrols in and around St Martin’s Gardens over the coming days.

If you have any Information relating to the incident, please contact the police on 101. Alternatively, information can be reported anonymously through Crimestoppers on 0800 555111. If you have any concerns or information about keeping people safe, please contact Camden’s Community Safety Team via 0207 974 4444.

I have also included my contact details and those of your local St Pancras & Somers Town ward councillors below. We are here to support you, so please do reach out to us if we can do anything to help or you would like to share your thoughts.

• Councillor Pat Callaghan –
• Councillor Shah Miah –
• Councillor Samata Khatoon –
• Councillor Edmund Frondigoun –

Yours faithfully,

Councillor Patricia Callaghan
Member for Safer Communities.

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