All Residents, Communal Services, Council Tenants, Hot Water, Leaseholders, Private Tenants

Hot Water Failures – FOI Request

Today (05-03-2024), we submitted the following request under the Freedom of Information Act. Our case reference is CAM7230

Last December and as recently as last weekend, the Central Heating system failed to provide heating (December) or Hot Water (Feb-Mar 2024). I would like to know the following:

1. The exact ALL reasons for the failures. Be as technical as you can possibly be.
2. What are the exact repairs/works you did to restore the service? Did you use any spare parts, chemicals, etc, and what was the cost for those things plus the extra labour hours outside of the GEM contract?
3. Reasons for taking so long to restore the service every time there is a failure. Eight days it took during the last instance to restore the service.
4. How many complaints did you receive during those failures? How many of them you have upheld?
5. How many compensations did you give and how much per compensation?
6. What steps, if any, are the council and/or GEM taking to prevent these ongoing failures?
7. How many people reported the problem, how many calls did you receive and how many repair references have you provided due to the hot water failure on the Curnock Street Estate between 23rd March 2024 and 04 March 2024?



2024-03-08 Resident’s Views

2024-03-01Fly tipping & Gates left open by GEM

2024-02-28 – No Hot Water For Many Days

2024-01-20 – Award Winning Failures & Rent Increases This is how Camden Council is wasting public money

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  1. Pingback: Letter From GEM – CSE News